
Serial Lesson 41
From Course I, Laws of Occultism, Chapter 3
Original Copyright 1923, Elbert Benjamine (a.k.a. C. C. Zain)
Copyright 2011, The Church of Light
Subheadings: Nature of Planetary Influences Signs Act As Sounding Boards Houses Influence Volume and Show Department of Life Affected Aspects Indicate Fortune or Misfortune Diverse Functions of Astral Vibrations
Birth Charts: Elbert Benjamine (C. C. Zain) Chart Fred H. Skinner Chart

Chapter 3
Astral Vibrations
IT is common knowledge that the energy of all life on earth is transmitted across space from the sun. Furthermore, we are also taught that all physical bodies exert a gravitational influence upon all other physical bodies independent of whether or not there are other physical bodies between them. Then again, energy is propelled to far distant points by radio. Yet in spite of the general recognition of these facts the great scientific men of the world are quite unagreed as to the nature of light, gravitation and radio. How then am I to explain still another form of energy which, like that commonly recognized as coming from the sun, has a wide variety of influences, like gravitation is unhampered by passing through obstacles, and like radio is capable of conveying intelligence? Such a form of energy is astral vibration.
Not so long ago scientific men were agreed that light is the ether moving in transverse waves. But even as the chemistry of the nineteenth century has been displaced by entirely new conceptions, so we find physics and mechanics and geometry also in the throes of revolution. This started with the apparent verification of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity by the eclipse observations of May 29, 1919, and September 21, 1921. And it has been gaining momentum since through this theory’s apparent verification by all the experiments that thus far have been devised to test its validity.
It may be pointed out that the test of any theory is its ability to predict new phenomena and to correct all known phenomena in the field which it covers. Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity may ultimately fall, just as the recently accepted theories of chemistry, those of geometry, those even of mechanics, as well as those of biology have fallen in the face of new discoveries. But at the present moment Einstein’s Special Theory meets the above-mentioned tests better than any other advanced in the realms of mathematics and physics. And in the same manner the theory of astral substance and astral vibration covers the field of biology, astrology and psychic phenomena better than any yet set forth. No other theory has been forthcoming satisfactorily to explain a mass of carefully collected astrological, biological and psychological facts.
The theory of astral substance and astral vibration, however, does adequately explain all the known facts of astrology, of psychic phenomena, of biology and of psychology. And at the same time in each of the sciences mentioned it has been able to predict new phenomena, such as, for instance, the influence of certain positions of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto upon life before such positions had ever actually been observed, and the possibilities and apparent limitations of divination.
But it is not to be supposed that the theory of astral substance and astral vibration as here set forth may not in time need considerable revision to keep pace with new conceptions, such as that suggested in the final paragraph of Chapter III of The Evolution of Physics (1938), by Albert Einstein and Leopold Infeld; “The theory of relativity stresses the importance of the field concept in physics. But we have not yet succeeded in formulating a pure field physics. For the present we must still assume the existence of both: field and matter.” And while the astral field concept may take precedence in the future, for the present we must continue to speak both of astral substance and astral vibrations.
This pure field concept relates to Einstein’s General Theory, The Special Theory of Relativity, which is now taught in most universities as fundamental to understanding physics does not make it a necessity. And as we will have repeated occasions to refer to this Special Theory of Relativity, its present standing in university circles should be established. For this purpose let me quote from an article by H. P. Robertson, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematical Physics, Princeton University, which appeared in the June 1939, issue of Scientific American Magazine:
“In view of these developments one may say that at present the special theory of relativity is one of the most thoroughly accepted and most firmly established doctrines of modern physics. It has permeated the field of mechanics, electromagnetism (including optics) and atomic physics; while it may appear desirable to have further direct checks on the validity of its mechanical aspects, a deviation from the predicted effects would constitute a most puzzling—and, at least temporarily distressing—jolt for modern physics.”
This Special Theory of Relativity holds that physical velocities cannot exceed that of light, and that anything moving with a velocity of light no longer possesses length, has infinite mass and so is practically impervious to the pull of gravitation, and that for it time has come to a standstill.
According to Einstein, if a bullet could be shot from a gun with a velocity of 160,000 miles per second, due to its motion the bullet would shrink to about half its previous length. Yes, and we may add that if the same bullet could be shot from a gun with a velocity greater than light it would not only lose its length, but its other physical properties, and then exist as a bullet on the astral plane. Einstein’s assertion that nothing can move faster than light is true of physical things. But to cover all phases of existence it must be modified by the explanation that anything that moves faster than light is no longer physical, and therefore is not a thing according to Einstein’s conception—for it then loses all its physical properties and acquires those of the astral world.
The reason that light, radio and other electromagnetic phenomena present so many difficulties in the way of explaining their behavior, is that they have velocities intermediate between those of slow-moving physical substance and fast-moving astral substance. And it is because the gap between the velocity of physical substance and the velocity of astral substance is too great to bridge, that the inner-plane world affects the outer-plane world, and the outer-plane world affects the inner-plane world only through first imparting motion to electromagnetic energy which has a velocity intermediate and thus can be directly influenced by, and directly influence, both the low-velocity and the high-velocity regions.
But when we speak of velocities, we must not confuse these with frequency of vibration; although when vibratory frequencies of low-velocity physical substance become high enough they are able to influence electromagnetic energies, and when electromagnetic energies have certain frequencies they are able to influence the high-velocity astral world.
Vibratory frequencies of from about 16 per second to 30,000 per second—about 12 octaves—in physical substance can be distinguished by the human ear as sound. Death-dealing vibrations in physical substances of frequencies higher than those commonly employed in radio have been developed in laboratories; but they cannot be heard.
Those used in radio are not vibrations of physical substance. They are electromagnetic frequencies. Such as are used in commercial radio have frequencies of from 550,000 to 1,000,000 per second. The short and the ultra-short radio waves have frequencies considerably higher. But these Hertzian radiations are only the lower electromagnetic frequencies. Above them are the infrared, or dark-heat waves. Light, which is about 45 octaves above sound, and is electromagnetic rather than physical, is next above the infrared. We can feel the sensation of heat for about two octaves and see the vibrations as light only for about one octave. Above visible light is ultraviolet radiation, which is sometimes called the chemical ray. Of higher frequency still are the x-rays, and the gamma rays are still higher. As all of these are vibrations in the Boundary-Line realm of velocities, they are referred to as different bands in the electromagnetic spectrum.
Now under certain conditions physical substance gains the power profoundly to influence electromagnetic energies: and under certain conditions electromagnetic energies gain the power profoundly to influence astral substance. For instance, when an iron is heated its molecules are given greater speed. They are physical substance. But when they attain a certain frequency of oscillation the iron becomes red hot or white hot and then radiates light, which is not physical, but an electromagnetic radiation.
A current of electricity moving over a wire develops a field of force about the wire. If it is an alternating current of low frequency, say of 60 cycles such as is commonly used in transmitting electricity for light and power, at each reversal practically all of the field of energy folds back on the wire. But under certain conditions the energy does not mostly fold back, but keeps right on going. The conditions are that the oscillations must be sufficiently frequent. When they attain sufficient frequency the energy radiates, and we have waves such as are used in radio.
Furthermore, even as molecular vibrations, which are physical, when they attain certain frequencies are able to impart much energy to electromagnetic waves; and electrical energies, which are at least granular, moving over wires when given certain frequencies radiate nonphysical energy into space; so electromagnetic energies generated in living organisms when given certain frequencies are able profoundly to affect energies of the still higher-velocity astral world.
And when astral-world velocities are attained, existence acquires properties that are contradictory to physical experience, but which are none the less consistent with what the Special Theory of Relativity demands when such velocities are present. Under these velocities time as we know it no longer exists, distance as we know it disappears and is supplanted by difference in vibratory frequency, gravitation gives way and its place is taken by the principle of resonance, and instead of mechanical power thought energy performs many similar functions. These new properties of existence, displacing those with which we are so familiar on the physical plane, permit of various conditions that contradict material experience.
Now all of this, I am well aware, may seem to some highly technical. But it is a necessary prelude, in view of latest scientific opinion, to any adequate discussion of astral vibration. And it leads up to a consideration of astrology.
It may be thought that in the third chapter of a course designed to lead the student by easy and systematic steps from complete ignorance of such subjects to a grasp of those fundamental principles which it is advisable to know before attempting the detailed mastery of the various occult sciences, that the subject of astrology is out of place. This is not the case, however, and the student will find that the sooner he grasps the general significance of astrology the quicker and the easier will he be able to master the whole range of the occult.
This is true for two distinct reasons. One is that all life is constantly being influenced by unseen currents of energy radiated by the planets. Consequently, the precise effect of any other occult force at any given time cannot be known unless the power of planetary currents to modify its influence also be taken into account.
The other reason is that through a peculiar sympathy that pervades all Nature, and the fact that Nature tends to express similar qualities in numerous octaves, when the planetary affinity of an object is known—it being but the expression of the same quality on one octave that the planet expresses on another octave of Nature’s scale—this planetary rulership, as it is called, affords a true index to otherwise unknown attributes of the object. Thus through their relationship to the orbs above we easily learn the occult properties of things we otherwise might never know. Astrology, therefore, is the golden key that unlocks the mysteries. It is the most perfect instrument in existence, I am convinced, for the interpretation of man’s true relation to the universe and to God. And as a religion is what man believes to be his relation to the universe and to God, when rightly understood, there can be no more perfect religion than the Religion of the Stars.
Now right here is where the student proves himself liberal minded or a bigot. He may recoil upon his egotism and declare he knows he has a free will and that the stars have no power to influence him. Yet while agreeing with him in the matter of free will, for astrology does not imply fatality, I must point out that the question of whether he is influenced by streams of energy from the planets impinging upon his astral body can be decided, as can any scientific fact, only by experimental evidence.
In spite of educational prejudice, or preconception, if he will put his opinions to the test, and before passing final judgment learn to erect a chart and judge it according to the rules of the science, he will then indicate a true scientific spirit. But many are afraid to put their ideas to the test. They are so self-opinionated they will not investigate anything with which they are not already familiar. They pass sentence without trial, preferring to remain in the rut of error rather than take the trouble to determine the correctness of their opinions. Such an attitude is inexcusable and leads to stagnation. To condemn a subject without examination is bigotry. And such bigotry is equaled in its folly only by many prevalent mystical notions that anyone of average intelligence who takes the pains to investigate carefully can quickly and completely disprove.
If it apparently does not seem reasonable that streams of unseen energy radiated by the planets affect human life and destiny, let us consider that listening to an opera by radio also seems unreasonable. To be sure, nothing seems more unreasonable than life itself; and scientists have puzzled over it centuries without offering any adequate explanation of it. Yet it exists. And the only way to determine if the planets influence human life is to experiment with them. Any person of average intelligence can in a short time, and at trifling expense for tables of the positions of the planets—those for one year being called an Ephemeris—for various years, learn to set up a map showing the positions of the planets at the time of birth of each of his friends and relatives. Such a map is called a horoscope. From examining such charts it will be apparent very shortly that persons born near noon, when the sun is overhead, have great ambition and ultimately rise to a position of prominence in the particular environment in which they move. It will quickly be recognized that persons born just before sunrise also have a power to rise in the world, in these cases through personal effort, and they continue the struggle to rise as long as life lasts. Then the next step in the investigation will be convincing that any person born when the planet Mars is rising on the eastern horizon is aggressive and warlike; but if Saturn is there instead, the person is careful and cautious.
Still more advanced experiments, in which the movements of the planets after birth are calculated, will show that special after-birth positions, called progressed aspects, coincide with specific events in the life, and that from progressed aspects the time and characteristics of events can, within rather narrow limits, be predicted. This is not fatality, it is merely the ability to predict by astronomical calculations when certain streams of energy will fall upon the person’s astral body in such a way as to give unusual activity to certain thought cells within the person’s unconscious mind. The person, if aware of the currents reaching him from the planets, does not need to act in the manner usually indicated. But if unaware of the influence, the thought cells thus stimulated lead him to fulfill the prediction.
Someone may now interpose the objection that astrologers still use the geocentric positions of the planets, but that astronomers have long ago abandoned geocentric astronomy. This is a misconception, for every astrologer knows that the sun is the center of the Solar System. So does the astronomer, yet when he wishes to calculate where the shadow of an eclipse will fall upon the earth, or when he wishes to determine the moment a star will cross the meridian, he does not calculate these positions in reference to the sun as a center, but in reference to some particular point on the earth. Likewise the mariner does not calculate the position of a star with reference to the sun as a center to find his position at sea. He must know the position of the star in relation to the earth, and to some definite spot on the earth, at some particular interval of time.
So even as the light of the star that enables the mariner to find his position at sea comes to the earth from a given angle at a given time, making his calculations possible, likewise the energies from the planets that influence life reach the earth from given directions at given times. And it is the direction from which these energies are received on the earth, and the manner in which they converge and combine on earth, that determines their influence upon earthly life and destiny.
It is true that astrologers sometimes fail in their predictions; but when the published report of one of the largest and best equipped hospitals in the land shows that in diagnosing disease 53 per cent of its diagnoses, as shown by hospital records, have been wrong, we should be somewhat lenient with astrologers. (“Dr. Richard Cabot says of the findings of the Massachusetts General Hospital Clinic, where precision is carried to the nth degree, that post mortem examination proves that in 47 percent the diagnosis of the clinic is correct.”—William Howard Hay, M.D., in Progress, for September 1923.)
Architects also make blunders at times, and chemists sometimes fail in their analyses and in their synthetic processes. Even astronomers occasionally err in their calculations. The fault in each of these cases is not so much the fault of the science as the fallibility of those employing it. None of the sciences is yet in a perfected state, but with the same amount of critical investigation astrology will rival, I am persuaded, other sciences in the precision of its results.

Nature of Planetary Influences
Having, I hope, made it plain that the rules of astrological practice are independent of any theory, and that their accuracy should be determined by observation, let us next inquire into the probable manner in which planetary positions indicate the character at birth, and afterward by giving new energy to certain thought cells, have an influence over the life.
To start with, we know that the sun is a giant electromagnet radiating lines of energy into space, and that these lines of energy are cut by the various planets revolving around the sun much as the armatures of a dynamo, as commonly installed in our power plants, cut the lines of energy radiated by the electromagnet at the center. I quote from an article by Edgar Lucian Larkin, director of Mt. Lowe Observatory, published in the spring of 1923:
“The astronomers at the Mt. Wilson Observatory made a great discovery with their new delicate magnetometers, that rotating sun spots are surrounded by an electromagnetic field of force, and magnetic lines extend to space. This is an important fact in Nature. A dynamo is a rotating metallic mass in an electromagnetic field of force between poles. Then the earth is an armature, since it contains metals and is in rapid rotation.”
The great physicist, Tyndall, many years ago indicated how dependent upon the sun are most mechanical actions, chemical changes, and other manifestations of power on the surface of the earth. And to this conception, investigators into the occult have added the assurance that whatever of a mental and spiritual nature is expressed on earth also derives its energy from the sun.
The sun, then, should be regarded as sending forth not only light, radiant heat, electromagnetic energy, and exerting the power of gravitation, but also as radiating still finer energies through astral and spiritual substances which when expressed manifest as mental and moral attributes. In fact, whatever energies exist upon the earth, we may be sure they were chiefly derived from the sun.
The boundless regions of space undoubtedly are fields of energy; for thousands of universes other than our own, with all its countless hordes of suns and systems, are known to be rushing through it with an average speed, so astronomers say, of 480 miles per second. These universes, over a million of which are known to exist, have long been recognized as Spiral Nebulae, and they certainly radiate energies other than the light by which they are seen. Our universe, known as the Galaxy, or Milky Way, also is traveling at a distance of 100,000 to 1,000,000 light years from the other known universes. (Light travels 186,284 miles per second, according to 1942 findings, and one light year are the distance light travels in one year.) And while there are stars in our universe that move with much greater speed, and some that move slower, the more than a billion suns comprising our universe have a usual speed among themselves of from 8 to 21 miles per second. Our sun, carrying with it the earth and other planets of the Solar System, travels with a speed of about 12 miles per second; and the earth on which we live moves in its orbit around the sun at the rate of 18 miles per second. These figures, of course, stagger the imagination. But I have taken them from the recent reports of well-recognized astronomers for the purpose of indicating that the heavenly bodies are moving with great speed, and that, as we know through the very fact of being able to see them, they are each radiating energy. Therefore, as they move, each in its appointed path, they cut fields of energy set up by the other moving suns and universes.
This being the case we may regard our sun as a great step-down transformer. Our earth and the other planets probably are not suitably constituted for handling the high frequencies that abound in the path of the sun. We are most of us aware that the voltage of electricity as it comes from a powerhouse to be carried any distance is too high to be used in the ordinary electric appliances. It is necessary to install transformers to lower the voltage before the current is permitted to flow over the lighting system or common power wires. So the sun may be looked upon, not merely as a dynamo, but as a transformer of the high-tension energies of space, stepping them down to such frequencies that they set up a new field of energy about the sun.
The planets revolving about the sun in elliptical paths cut the energy field of the sun. This is not an electromagnetic field of energy only, but also an astral energy field and a spiritual energy field. And the planets cutting this huge energy field in turn become transformers and transmitters of energy. That is, each being of different chemical composition and different density of material, they each are adapted to picking up energies and stepping them down to certain other frequencies and radiating these into space.
In this manner, similar in principle to that which may be observed in modern electrical appliances, the energies of space are gathered up by the sun and again radiated. Then the planets gather up this energy, and each giving it a special trend, again radiate it into space. Thus it reaches the earth and man from the particular direction occupied by the planets at the time, and endowed with the particular attributes imparted to it by each.
As no one up to the present time has been able to explain in a thoroughly satisfactory manner just what light, magnetism and electricity are, it would be premature for me to try to explain just what the astral light is. But this energy by which the influence of the planets is transmitted to the earth is seen by clairvoyants as a peculiar light. It varies in color and luminosity even as the sunlight does, and seems to be the all-pervading medium of vision for those who have left the physical plane and now live in the adjacent astral realms.
As physical science is in heated debate as to how light and other electromagnetic energies traverse space, we need not be too positive as to the nature of the vibrations that transmit energy from the planets to the astral body of man and other things; but we need not remain in doubt that such energies do reach and influence all things upon the earth. For this is a matter easily ascertained by experiment.
Then again, if I am asked why planetary influence is ranged so that there are seven distinct kinds of influence, one kind being transmitted by each of the seven planets more anciently known, and the more recently discovered planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto transmitting an influence that is the octave expression of Mercury, Venus and the Moon, I can only answer it is because the septenary division is the one mostly adhered to by Nature. Why is it there are seven tones in music, the eighth being a higher expression of the first? Why does the light that comes from the sun, when passed through a prism, or as seen in a rainbow, dissolve itself into seven distinct colors? Why is it that the 92 chemical elements also tend to follow the same septenary law, the atomic number being determined by the number of electrons revolving about the nucleus of an atom, given multiples of such electrons expressing similar qualities on lower and higher octaves, as witnessed in bromine, iodine, chlorine and fluorine, which each express qualities common to all, but with greater or less activity? The impulses and thoughts of man, likewise, are susceptible to a grouping in which there are seven well-marked families, and in which three of the families have expressions on a higher octave which gives them additional characteristics.
Therefore, even as in other departments of Nature, so we observe in planetary influences also, a definite grouping of qualities. We find the same quality that is expressed by the influence of a planet upon human life to be expressed in sound by a certain musical tone, to be expressed in color by a certain hue, to be expressed among minerals by a certain metal, to be expressed among stones by a certain gem, to be expressed among numbers and letters by certain of each, to be expressed among human thoughts by a definite group, and among peoples by particular nations. In other words, the same quality of energy expresses in all these and many other domains of existence, but in each case the expression belongs to a given octave.
1. The Sun, as directly affecting life upon the earth, radiates those frequencies of astral light that produce a dignified and life-giving influence. It is the same quality that expresses in terms of ordinary light as the color Orange. It expresses in sound as the tone D, and in human thought as Power.
2. The Moon, cutting the field of energy set up by the sun, and the field also due to the earth, is so composed that the wavelengths and frequencies it transmits into space exert an influence that is plastic and receptive. It is the same quality that expresses in terms of color as the Green ray of the solar spectrum. It expresses in sound as the tone F, and in human thought as Domesticity.
3. The planet Mercury, acting as a transformer and transmitter of energy, radiates an influence that is sharp, active, changeable and clever. It is the same quality that expresses in color as Violet. It expresses in sound as the tone B, and in human thought as Intelligence.
4. Venus transforms the solar energies to a different rate of vibration. Her influence is clinging and submissive. It is the love quality which expresses in color as the Yellow ray. In sound it expresses as the tone E, and in human thought as Sociability.
5. The energies radiated by the sun when gathered up and transformed to a different rate by the planet Mars exert an influence energetic and combative. It is the same quality that expresses in color as Red. In sound it is the tone C, and in human thought Aggression.
6. Jupiter, largest of all the planets, transmits an influence that is cheerful and beneficent. It is the same quality that expresses in color as the Indigo ray of the solar spectrum. It expresses in sound as the tone A, and in human thought as Religion.
7. Saturn, the planet with the rings around it, transforms the energies it receives into such wavelengths and frequencies that they exert an influence that is cold and reflective. It is the same quality that expresses in color as Blue. In sound it expresses as the tone G, and in human thought as Safety.
8. Uranus is merely the higher octave of Mercury, transmitting an influence original and disruptive. It is a quality expressed in color by all combined into a dazzling white. Its tones are above the physical, such as the astral chimes often heard by psychics. It expresses in human thought as Individuality.
9. Neptune is the octave of Venus, and transmits an influence visionary and idealistic. It is a quality expressed by iridescence, in which colors glint and change and flow one into another. Its tones are likewise above the physical, combining as the music of the spheres, and in human thought the same quality expresses as the Utopian.
10. Pluto is the octave of the Moon, transmitting an influence that is forceful and compelling. The domestic impulses are expanded to embrace a larger group. It is a quality expressed by ultraviolet or infrared in color, and by either harmony or discord of tones. In human thought it expresses as Universal Welfare.

Signs Act As Sounding Boards
As an instrument affects the tone sounded on it, it should also be expected that the tone quality of a given planetary influence is greatly affected by the astral conditions of the particular portion of the heavens occupied by the planet at the time the note is sounded. We are well aware, for instance, that the effect upon the ear of the tone C is much different when the tone emanates from a cello than when it emanates from a calliope.
Due to the field of energy of the combined sun and earth the astral vibrations received from the planets when in one part of the heavens and those received when in a different part of the heavens, although always the same in pitch, are different in tone quality. That is, they are sent from various sounding boards. Observation proves that the path in which the sun and planets apparently move about the earth is divided into twelve distinct sounding boards, or instruments, for astral tones. This path in which the sun and planets apparently travel is called the Zodiac. It commences, due to the polarity of the earth in relation to the sun, at that portion of the sky where the sun crosses the celestial equator from the south to the north in spring each year. The north and south hemispheres of the earth, as indicated by the magnetic needle, are of opposite polarity, and where the sun apparently crosses from one polarity of the earth to the other in coming north is where the zodiac begins.
This zodiac is divided into twelve equal sections, called signs of the zodiac. Each sign, or section, of the zodiac is named after a particular constellation of stars which pictures its influence, but which does not coincide with it either in location or extent. As each sign of the zodiac has its own quality as a sounding board from which planetary tones may be sent to earth, it follows that the influence of a planet when in one zodiacal sign is not the same as when in another zodiacal sign. The planet Mars, for instance, when in the sign Aries has a pleasing quality like the tone C sounded on a cornet, but when in the sign Cancer the same tone is displeasing like the tone C sounded on an old tin can. This tone quality as influencing life on earth has been determined by careful observation for each planet when in each sign.

Houses Influence Volume and Show Department of Life Affected
But besides the quality of a tone we must also take into consideration the acoustic conditions where the tone is heard. Due to these conditions, in some great auditoriums it is easy for the slightest tone to be distinctly heard, and in other halls a tone does not carry, or is reflected from walls and ceilings in such manner as to produce a confusion of sounds. Of this, public speakers are well aware. And in like manner the astral vibrations reaching any particular point on the earth are subject to the conditions of the environment in which they are received. The earth and its atmosphere have an astral counterpart, through which astral vibrations must make their way to reach any point on the earth’s surface. When these rays come from directly overhead they have less astral substance to traverse, and when they come from other directions they have more in varying degree. The surface of the earth, too, is rotating at the equator at the rate of over one thousand miles an hour, which evidently has an influence upon the field of energy about the earth, which again must have an influence upon any astral waves reaching the earth’s surface at a given point.
So we find that the direction from which the astral vibrations of the planets are received, with regard to that point on the earth where received, has an influence upon both the volume and the trend of their influence. This variation in the volume of a planet’s energy that actually reaches the spot, and the particular trend that is given to it, may be accurately mapped by a circle divided into twelve equal sections called Mundane Houses. The circle represents a line around the earth to the east with the observer at the center. A horizontal line across the circle represents a line passing from the eastern to the western horizon. A vertical line through the circle represents a line from zenith to nadir. Each of the four quadrants thus mapped then may be divided into three equal sections by other lines radiating from the center. And it is found, and may be experimentally verified, that the volume of energy received from a planet when in the section of the sky mapped by one of these Mundane Houses is not the same, nor has it an influence upon the same department of life, as when received from some section of the sky mapped by a different Mundane House.

Aspects Indicate Fortune or Misfortune
We now have three different factors under consideration, all pertaining to the manner in which the planets affect life upon the earth: 1. The pitch, or tone, of the astral vibration radiated by a planet. 2. The tone quality, or resonance, given to the astral vibration radiated by a planet by the particular zodiacal sign which acts as a sounding board from which it is sounded. 3. The acoustic condition of the auditorium, the point on earth where the astral vibration has an influence, which determines the volume of energy received, and the particular department of life it most influences. And there is yet another consideration before we have spread before us all the more important factors of astrological influence. 4. The manner in which each tone harmonizes or discords with each and all other tones reaching the same spot.
We are doubtless all familiar with the formation of small whirlpools, so frequently to be seen in large numbers at time of high water in our streams. Currents of water meet at just such angles of convergence that they whirl with the proper velocity to form an independent entity, which endures as such for some period of time amid the boiling, seething flood about it. A funnel-shaped hole in the stream is observed, the waters around it forming a rotating wall. Something has been constructed in the surface of the raging torrent that did not before exist. It has properties quite distinct from any other part of the stream. But currents of water meeting under different conditions, from an angle, let us say, that is more obtuse do not form any such entity. They merely roll and toss and foam, as they tumble along, without forming anything distinct and apart from the general current of the stream.
Those of us who have lived on the desert are also familiar with whirling dust columns. Currents of air meeting at just the proper angle form a rotating air column that sucks up sand and dust, and sometimes larger things, the column of whirling sand reaching from earth to sky, moving off across the desert as an entity possessing properties quite apart from the surrounding atmosphere. There are also stronger winds on the desert that give rise to sand storms, but these have not the properties of the whirling columns. Waterspouts and tornadoes are less familiar to most of us, yet they also present an instructive lesson on how currents of air meeting at the proper angle and velocity become agents of terrific power.
Further, light waves under certain circumstances may be brought together in such a manner as to produce, not more light, but less light. This interference of certain light waves with others gives rise to the dark lines of the spectrum. The waves so combine as to cancel each other’s motion.
Now, therefore, with these familiar illustrations of water, air and light currents acquiring distinctive properties due to the manner in which they join, we need not be surprised to learn that astral currents when they converge at certain angles possess distinctive properties.
And even as careful study of water currents indicates the conditions under which whirlpools form, so also careful observation has established the conditions under which the astral currents from the planets meet to acquire certain definite influences. Whirlwinds all do not have the same properties. They vary greatly in height, in area, and in movement. Neither do astral currents when they join in such a manner as to acquire distinctive properties, express always the same characteristics. In fact, there are ten different kinds of astral whirls known, each formed by a distinct angle of meeting, and expressing distinctive characteristics.
These astral whirls are not produced by the meeting of the rays of the planets from all angles. They are formed only when the planetary rays meet at definite angles, which have been learned through observation. When the angle at which the astral vibrations from two planets meet is such as to form a definite condition, comparable to a whirlwind, or to a rapids in a river, or to the undertow on an ocean beach, this angle is called an Aspect.
In all, then, there are ten aspects, or definite angles at which planetary rays meet to exert a definite influence. The disturbance in the astral streams when they meet from certain angles is, like a cyclone, very violent and destructive. When they meet from other angles the result is the formation of energies that tend to bind together and build up the astral organisms that they contact. These energies are such that they may be constructively utilized by the astral forms receiving them. But other energies, formed by astral currents meeting at other angles, exhibit an explosive tendency when contacting astral forms.
Experience teaches that astral currents from the planets meeting at a right angle, one-half a right angle, one and one-half a right angle, and twice a right angle, each has a disintegrative, or destructive, influence. A right angle, of course, is ninety degrees, and the aspect formed by planetary rays meeting at a right angle is called a Square.
When planetary rays meet at an angle of one hundred and twenty degrees, the aspect is called a Trine. And experience shows that when planetary rays converge at a trine, one-half a trine, or one-fourth a trine, each aspect, having an influence peculiar to itself, the influence is distinctly integrative and constructive.
The other three aspects recognized—when two planets are in the same degree of the zodiac, when two planets are in the same degree of declination, and when two planets are one hundred and fifty degrees apart—do not seem integrative or disintegrative in themselves, but depend for their constructive or destructive attributes upon the tone and quality of the planetary streams they combine.
Now the question arises, why it is that all things in the same vicinity are not affected by the planetary streams of energy that converge there in the same way? Before answering this I will ask counter questions. Why is it that when the tone C is sounded in a room where there is a piano, the C string in the piano responds with a sound, and the other strings remain silent? And why is it, listening to a radio, that it is possible to hear a concert given at a distant place, yet not hear other concerts that are being broadcast from the same place using different frequencies? It is because vibrations strike a sympathetic response from, and thus influence, other things having a similar vibratory key.
The astral body of man, and the astral forms of things, contain centers of energy of the same key as each of the planets. But in one person or thing the center of energy keyed to one planet may be so small in volume as to be capable of almost no response, while the center of energy keyed to another planetary influence may be so large that it is constantly sounding a response to the influence of that planet. All persons and things sound a response, transmitting the influence of all the planets in some small degree. But usually the center of energy that transmits the astral vibration of some one planet is more prominent than the centers of energy that respond to those of the other planets. And when it has been determined which planetary influence the person or thing responds to most strongly, the person or thing is said to be Ruled by that planet.

Diverse Functions of Astral Vibrations
It will now be seen that astral vibration is the means by which energy is communicated from one astral body to another. By it the clairvoyant sees events happening at a great distance, or in the past or in the future. By it tones are carried to the astral ear, giving rise to clairaudience. Events and environment impress their influence upon the astral forms of all things, and these influences being constantly radiated are carried by them to a sensitive person who thus psychometrizes the object. Thoughts are carried from one part of the universe to another by astral vibrations from the living to the dead, and from the dead to the living. Also it is the means by which the planets each send a special grade of energy to the earth; and each reaching the earth from a certain sign of the zodiac possesses a specific tone quality; and reaching the thing or person from a given direction, or mundane house, has a special volume and trend; and converging with other planetary rays at given angles results in a definite constructive or destructive influence. Thus does astral vibration underlie all occult manifestation.

Birth Charts
Elbert Benjamine (C. C. Zain)Chart
December 12, 1882 5:55 A.M. LMT 41N39; 94W00
Data: Laws of Occultism, by C. C. Zain
1898 (autumn), began occult studies, Mercury conjunction Moon r, Mercury sesqui-square Pluto p.
1900, contacted The Brotherhood of Light and commenced serious study of astrology, Mercury trine Neptune r.
1910 (spring), gave promise to write the 21 Courses of B. of L. lessons, Sun semi-sextile Mercury r.
1914, March 21, started work on lessons, Mercury sesqui-square Jupiter p, Mercury sesqui-square Uranus r.
1915, May, started B. of L. in Los Angeles, and classes that still continue without interruption, Sun trine Uranus r.
1934, Feb. 20, finished writing the 21 Courses of B. of L. lessons, Mars trine Pluto r, Mercury trine Jupiter p.
Fred H. Skinner Chart
April 10, 1872 8:09A.M. LMT 41N00; 93W00
Data: Laws of Occultism by C. C. Zain
1909 (Nov. 14), started studying astrology, Sun sextile Uranus r in 3rd.
1917, resigned from secret occult society, Venus, ruler of 12th, trine Saturn r, sextile Jupiter r.
1918 (autumn), joined B. of L., Sun P Jupiter p, Venus conjunction Moon r. Started teaching astrology, Sun sesquisquare Saturn r, ruler of 9th.
1919 (autumn) started teaching B. of L. classes and continued teaching without interruption until his death in 1940, Jupiter conjunction Uranus r, Venus semisextile Neptune r.
1932 (autumn), vice-president of The Church of Light, Sun semisextile Pluto p.
1934, started issuing questionnaires for use of C. of L. teachers, Sun inconjunct Saturn r, semisextile Jupiter r.
