Where We Are Located
Today, the international headquarters of The Church of Light is located in Albuquerque, New Mexico. A block from the University of New Mexico our little corner of the world is filled with an amazing number of activities and things. From this little house of religion and philosophy questions are answered; classes are held; counseling is performed, exams are graded, services are conducted; mail orders are processed; and, routine business is conducted. The Church moved to New Mexico from California in August 2005.

Union League Building located
at 2nd & Broadway (circa 1925)
You history buffs will be pleased to know that Fred Skinner, one of the three co-founders of The Church of Light, was a professional photographer. He pictorially chronicled the progress of the CofL during its early years. Because we know how much our membership loves the stories of and about the Church of Light we're taking advantage of this web site medium to share some of those moments in time captured by Fred Skinner.
For more about our history and background click these links to go to the Archives in the Saturn section or here for more on the History and Priciples on our Home Page.
The Church of Light has enjoyed many homes since 1932. With Uranus in the 4th house that will come as no surprise.
One of its earlier homes was the Union League Building in downtown Los Angeles. It was home at a time when Los Angeles was much smaller and quieter. During the 1920's and 30's, Elbert Benjamine took public transportation from his home at 117 Coral Street in East Los Angeles to the CofL classroom located in this building.

Room 818 in the Union League Bldg.
These pictures of the classrooms indicate that every square inch of space was filled and organized to the maximum. The same holds true for today!
Some of the local members who studied with The Church of Light in those early years fondly remember the Benjamine's as Papa B and Mama B., Elizabeth Benjamine, was said to have been a very nurturing individual keeping true to her Taurean nature.
Apparently both Elizabeth and Fred Skinner were very careful to guard Elbert Benjamine from intrusions upon his writing. While EB was a very popular teacher and lecturer he spent most of his time researching and writing The Brotherhood of Light Lessons.
The House on Coral Street

117 Coral Street (2337)
facing east
Elbert and Elizabeth Benjamine lived on Coral Street. Apparently at the time they lived there the house was numbered 117 which vibrates to 9 the Divine Number! The house number was later changed to 2337, which vibrates to 15 the number of Saturn. That which was divine soon took a very different character.

The Path From EB's
front door...
leading to the
outside world
Interestingly this property has offered the best of Saturn. At a time when The CofL was hanging onto its physical plane connections by a very thin thread it served as a safe haven and refuge for the CofL office and headquarters between 1989 to 1999. While there is no doubt that the house is presently located in an impoverished area of Los Angeles, it still holds an element of charm for those of us who have worked and laughed there.

Mail order room
located downstairs
The crowning glory is its spectacular view of downtown Los Angles. Picture a crystalline, clear sky with the sunset turning into inky blackness and all of this frames a twinkling downtown skyline. Then, just for fun throw in a few bright planets and a crescent Moon....wow! It is a very special sight to behold. Over the years this little spot on the planet has been affectionately dubbed "The Hill".
Here are some photos of The Hill taken by Fred Skinner. The mailroom for the Church was located in the downstairs and the Benjamine's lived upstairs.

Elbert Benjamine at his writing desk.
Pictured on the left is the room where Elbert Benjamine wrote all but six of The Brotherhood of Light Courses.
Doris Chase Doane tells the story of how she and Rev. Edward Doane would arrive very early in the morning to begin their work in the mail room and they could hear the plinking of the typewriter keys in the upstairs room. EB was already at work after finishing his early morning breakfast of fish!
