Serial Lesson 90
From Course VIII, Horary Astrology, Chapter 4
Original Copyright 1931, Elbert Benjamine (a.k.a. C. C. Zain)
Copyright 2011, The Church of Light
Subheadings: What Is My Question About? Climate, Kind of Country, Land, Part of City and Part of Home Ruled by the Zodiacal Signs Public Interest Questions First House Questions Favorable Directions and Environments A Caution Second House Questions Third House Questions Fourth House Questions Fifth House Questions Sixth House Questions
Charts: WWII, Japan Suddenly Attacks United States WWII, United States Declares War on Japan Example Charts 4-8 House Cusps Example Charts 4-8 Planetary Positions
Chapter 4
Questions Relating to the First Six Houses
Example Charts 4-8 House Cusps
BY common consent astrologers have adopted a condensed method of presenting the elements of any astrological chart. Each chart is indicated by an Arabic numeral at the left. This numeral appears twice; once at the left of the line in which the houses are tabulated, and once at the left of the line in which the planets are tabulated. Following this number, which designates a given chart, the sign and degree upon the cusp of each of the houses, from the 10th to the 3rd, are given in the same horizontal line, but in a column directly below the Roman numeral which indicates the house. The number of the chart is then used again in a separate table in which the sign and degree occupied by each of the planets are given in the same horizontal line, but in a column directly below the symbol of the planet. This method enables the elements of many charts to be tabulated in a small space.
Example Charts 4-8 Planetary Positions
To use such a table, the signs and degrees should be copied into a blank horoscope chart, so that they occupy the house cusps indicated. Then upon the opposite house cusps place the same sign and degree of the opposite sign. And finally, always being careful to use only the elements in the same horizontal line to the right of the chart number, the degrees and minutes of each planet should be noted, and the planets entered in the chart, just as in erecting a horoscope.
On page (see top of page for data) will be found a table containing the elements of five different charts, and the elements of four more will be found on page (see top of page Serial Lesson 91 for data). As these lessons were written, and the charts erected, in 1920, the planet Pluto is not included; for it was not discovered until ten years later. These are example charts which will be used to illustrate the proper method of judging horary questions; and consequently, should be copied into blank maps for the purpose of study. Furthermore, as in each instance the data is given upon which they are erected, it is advisable for the student to erect the charts and compare his work with the charts so copied. This gives him twelve distinct charts in the first six lessons of the course, by which he can test his ability to make the calculations properly.
What Is My Question About?
When a horary chart is radical, it is usually possible by inspecting the chart, yet without being told, to determine the nature of the question asked. This is accomplished by noting the houses in which the significator and co-significator of the Querent are, and the houses occupied by any planets strongly aspecting them. Thus in example chart No. 1 (pages and ), as a horary question, I would look to the house the Moon is in and the houses occupied by any planets making powerful aspects to the Moon; for the Moon in this chart is both co-significator of the querent and ruler of the Ascendant. Neptune is the chief significator, and ruling the 9th indicates some thought of a journey; but its aspects are weak.
The Moon, on the contrary, has powerful aspects. As it is in the house of friends, I would say the question chiefly relates to friends. It has just passed the opposition of Venus in the house of children and love affairs, and the square of Uranus in the house of legacies and the partner’s money. One could safely judge, therefore, that the question relates to a friendship which has been severed (opposition signifies separation) due to the influence of a child or a love affair This situation has placed an obstacle (square signifies obstacle) in the way of receiving a legacy, or money from a partner.
In example chart No. 2 (pages and ), because the querent has so many significators, as shown by three planets in the 1st, the question is a complex one, involving many factors. Yet because the ruler of the Ascendant is in the 1st, the question is primarily concerned with personal matters.
The other factors chiefly relate to the personal life, and are shown by the houses ruled by the various co-significators of the querent. The ruler of the Ascendant in the 1st, indicates concern about the health. Mercury, ruling the 4th and co-ruler of the 5th and 7th, in the 1st, indicates concern about the home, children and husband. Venus, ruling the 3rd, and co-ruler of the 8th, in the 1st, indicates concern about relatives or travel, and about the husband’s income. The Moon, co-significator of the querent, being in the 12th, indicates that the querent was greatly restricted at the time the question was asked. The most significant thing about the chart, however, is the presence of two traveling planets, Mercury and Uranus, in the 1st. From this I decide the thought uppermost in the mind at the time the question was asked is about some contemplated change by which the restrictions shown by the position of the Moon may be removed.
The question actually asked was: "Will I change my residence?" This, on the surface of it, is a 4th house question; but further interrogation brought to light that the change of residence was prompted by the greater desire to attain other ends; greater freedom, more abundant health and better opportunities for children and husband.
In example chart No. 3 (pages and ), the question at once is seen to revolve about the 3rd and 9th; for one co-significator of the querent is in the house of journeys and publishing and the other is in the house of travel, writing and study. The significator of the querent is Mars, ruling the house of money and the house of partnership. One may safely say, from inspecting this chart, yet without knowing anything about the querent or having been told anything about the question, that he was contemplating either writing or travel for the purpose of making money, and that there was a partnership involved. The Moon separating from square Saturn in the 11th, indicates he has recently lost a friend. The Moon applying trine Neptune, indicates successful promotion of the enterprise; and Venus applying to a conjunction of the Sun, co-ruler of the 11th, will bring him friends of influence who will give him adequate support.
Climate, Kind of Country, Land, Part of City and Part of Home Ruled by the Zodiacal Signs
ARIES: Part of country; a hot dry climate, sparsely settled, moderately high and rugged. Land where pebbles and boulders are numerous, fields that are freshly plowed. Part of city; the manufacturing district, hardware stores, repair garages and auto service stations. Part of home, doorways, roof, and tool room.
TAURUS: Part of the country; a cold, dry climate; low, level country without brush or woods, pastures where cattle feed. Land in which seed has just been planted. Part of city; banks, safes, vaults, cash registers, and places where money and securities are kept. Part of home; storerooms, trunks, places where personal property is securely kept.
GEMINI: Part of country; a temperate climate, thickly settled, or a city or town, moderately high, and where the wind blows. Land rather rolling and covered with grass, small trees and shrubs; or where crops have just come through the ground. Part of city; railroad yards, street cars, newspaper and periodical offices, libraries, automobiles and aeroplanes, mail boxes, post offices, telephone and telegraph systems. Part of home; the telephone, halls, windows, writing desk and places where books and papers are kept.
CANCER: Part of country; a wet, cool, climate, along the ocean beach, or where small, active streams flow. Land of a rich, sandy loam in creek or river bottom, or near the ocean. Part of city; reservoirs, water pipes and hydrants, running water, hotels and the main residential district. Part of home; bathroom, laundry, and main living room.
LEO: Part of country; a hot, dry climate, rather low with level stretches, tending to desert conditions. Land that is left wild, or kept for the purpose of sport and amusement, such as golf courses. Part of city; theatres, schools, playgrounds, parks and places of amusement. Part of home; the nursery, furnace room, place where pots and kettles are kept, and all places where fire is used.
VIRGO: Part of country; a cold climate of moderate rainfall, moderately elevated. Land devoted to grain fields, orchards, or other crops. Part of city; public works, grocery stores, produce markets, agencies, restaurants and cafeterias. Part of home; the pantry, garden, dining room, sick room, and outhouses where chickens or small animals are kept.
LIBRA: Part of country; a temperate climate, high and dry. Land rather thickly settled and divided into numerous plots, or where there are towns and villages. Part of city; stores where wearing apparel, jewelry and finery are sold, show windows, and all places where nice things are on display. Part of home; wardrooms, bedrooms, balconies, porches, chinaware and silverware.
SCORPIO: Part of country; a damp, sultry climate, rather low than high, away from the ocean and in a valley between hills. Land where there are bogs, hot springs, quagmires, swamps, stagnant water and muddy ground. Part of city; drug stores, doctor’s offices, morgues, slaughter houses, sewers and cesspools. Part of home; medicine shelves, the toilet and the sewer.
SAGITTARIUS: Part of country; a hot, dry climate in a mountainous country, moderately high. Land covered with woods. Part of city; churches, lecture halls, court houses, lawyer’s offices, book stores, book publishing establishments and places for meeting for community welfare workers. Part of home; upstairs rooms, the chimney, cow barns, stables and the private garage.
CAPRICORN: Part of country; a cold climate with considerable snowfall, well up in the rugged mountains where there are rocks and brush, but few large trees. Land suitable for mining, where the soil is poor and weeds and thorns in abundance. Part of the city: the city hall, chamber of commerce and the business district in general. Part of the home; the office, the attic, the cellar and all dark places.
AQUARIUS: Part of country; a temperate climate, neither low nor high, with very changeable weather, thickly settled, including cities. Land not rugged, yet with an artistic view, and chiefly used for human habitation. Part of city; art stores, furniture stores, electrical stores, radio stores, electric lighting systems, and places where automobiles, airplanes and radios are sold and their accessories obtained. Part of home; the electric light, radio, reception room, parlor, stairs, chief furniture, and the artistic things on the wall.
PISCES: Part of country; a cool, rainy, foggy climate, moderately low and much broken, shut in on all sides by hills and cut up by ravines. Land about fishponds or through which large rivers or small sluggish creeks flow, or about large lakes, or where there are cool springs of water coming from the ground. Part of city; hospitals, jails, poorhouses and public charities. Part of home; sinks, pumps, cisterns, well and gas system.
Public Interest Questions
In a question which is of interest to the general public, rather than of special importance to the individual who asks it, such as, "Will the U. S. go to war?", "Will taxes be higher next year?", "Will the criminal be caught?", "Will congress pass the bill?", "Will the candidate be elected?", the querent is not represented in the chart. Instead, each house takes on its common significance, the first representing the people, the second representing money, the ninth representing the courts, etc., and the question belongs to, and should be answered from, the houses and their rulers thus commonly significant of the affairs chiefly involved.
First House Questions
Questions relating to health, and to personal affairs generally, belong to the first house. A common first house question is, "Shall I have better success by remaining where I am or by going to some distant place?"
In such a question the 4th signifies the present home, or location, and the 3rd indicates the neighboring environment. The 10th signifies a foreign home, and the 9th its neighboring environment. The 4th and 3rd houses beneficent, therefore, gives success by staying close to the present environment; while the 10th and 9th houses beneficent gives success by going to a distant place. Consequently, note which of these two departments of the chart is more favorable, and advise the querent to reside in the section where the best influences are shown. If the chart indicates that the querent should go elsewhere, yet at the same time there is an evil aspect between his significator and the co-significator of the 10th or 9th, the move should be delayed until a more favorable time. If there is no aspect between these significators, the move is not likely to take place. But if the significators are applying to good aspects of each other, he should make the change in the near future.
Favorable Directions and Environments
Because there is some confusion in regard to this, I should here emphasize that in the Hermetic System the signs have no influence over direction. All directions are designated solely by noting the direction in the chart of the house containing the significator.
The signs, instead of pointing out directions, indicate the kind of environment. This is of primary importance also in natal astrology; because it enables one to pick the most favorable gem, name, number, color, business, location, and even the most beneficial human associates. This is made possible because any thing, person or environment, ruled by a sign, through its proximity, adds energy both to the sign and to any planets located in the sign. A planet thus in a sign is more greatly intensified by association with the things ruled by that sign than is the planet that rules the sign but is located elsewhere.
For example, in chart No. 3, to give the Sun and the 9th house greater activity, a Leo environment would help but slightly; not nearly so much as a Cancer environment, because the Sun is actually in Cancer in the 9th. The chief influence of a Leo environment would be to accentuate the power of Jupiter in the house of friends. And while a thing ruled by Mercury would somewhat influence the 9th, because Mercury rules its cusp; this would have much less influence over the 9th than something ruled either by the Sun or Venus, because these are actually in the 9th. Furthermore, something ruled by the Moon would primarily accentuate the 3rd house, where the Moon is located, and only to a much less extent stimulate the 10th, the cusp of which is occupied by the sign Cancer.
Association with the things ruled by a planet or sign, merely gives the planet or sign increased energy; but does not change the quality of its energy. Therefore, to live in a vicinity ruled by a sign in which there is an unfortunate planet, is to increase its power for malignity; but to live amid conditions ruled by a sign in which there is a fortunate planet, is through affording it additional energy, to increase its power to benefit of the life. The various environments ruled by each of the twelve signs have already been given in his lesson.
A first house question that includes such a consideration is, "Where should I go to have greatest success?"
Now the Ascendant is directly east of the querent at the time the question is asked, and any planet in the Ascendant sheds its rays to him from the east. A planet on the M.C. is above, but also directly south of him. A planet on the Descendant sends its rays to him from the west; and so on. By traveling in the direction from which such a planet sends its rays to him, the querent comes more under the influence of that planet’s vibrations. Thus if Saturn is in the 11th (example chart No. 3), he increases the power of Saturn in his life by traveling southeast. Or, if Uranus is in the 5th, the influence of Uranus is intensified by his traveling northwest.
This being the case, to take advantage of favorable influences, the querent should always go in the direction signified by that planet in the chart which has the best influence over the particular condition he desires. Thus, in the example chart No. 3, if the desire is to go to the place where health will be best, the querent should go a little west of south, where Venus and the Sun are located, and should choose a location by the seashore; for Venus is the best planet for health in this chart. It rules the Asc., and is conjunction the Sun, which governs the vitality. By going to a Cancer environment, the seashore, this benefic quality would be intensified; for the Sun and Venus are in Cancer.
But if the desire is to select the place where the greatest financial success as a writer could be attained, the preference should be given to the southeast; more south than east, where Jupiter is found; for Jupiter is in trine to the Moon in the house of writing, is co-ruler of the house of writing, is a money planet, and is sextile to Mars, significator of the house of money.
Yet of even greater importance, usually, than the direction in which the querent should go, is the kind of environment he should choose after making the move. Thus in the removal just considered the querent should locate in a Leo environment; for Jupiter is in Leo, and such surroundings will permit Jupiter to express fully. In this case, then, the most favorable location would be rather low, level country, tending to desert conditions. In such a situation, where the climate tends to be hot, living close to a school or park would assist Jupiter to attract the best financial opportunities, and lead to greatest success.
Another very important first house question is, "Will my health improve?"
In all questions of health, either in horary astrology or in natal astrology, pay particular attention to the Sun and Moon, called luminaries, and to the Asc. and any planet therein. The stronger and better aspected the Sun, Moon and Asc., the better the health in general will be. The weaker and more afflicted the luminaries and the Asc., the poorer will be the health experienced.
If the significator or co-significator of the querent is in the 6th, or is powerfully afflicted by a planet in the 6th, illness is indicated of the nature of the afflicting planet and the sign it occupies. If the significator or co-significator is separating from an evil aspect, and applying to a good aspect, the health is poor but will improve. The recovery will be more speedy if the significators are in movable signs, but slower if in fixed signs. But when the significator or co-significator of the querent is in the 8th and applying to an evil aspect of a malefic plant, such as Mars or Saturn, or when applying to a severe aspect of a planet in the 8th, and at the same time the Sun, Moon and Asc are much afflicted and receive no good aspects from benefics, such as Venus and Jupiter, the querent will die.
By noting, in a question of health, the aspects from which the significator and co-significator are separating, the periods of past illness may be told and their nature described. And by noting the aspects to which the significator and co-significator apply, the health that may be expected in the future may be determined, and the nature and cause of each change made known. Then, by using the rules for timing events, as given in Chapter 3 (Serial Lesson 89), "The Doctrine of Horary Astrology," the time when the various changes in health will take place can be predicted.
Example chart No. 4 (see top of page for data), was erected for May 24, 1920; 4:00 P.M. P.S.T. Redding, Calif. 34N34 122W24. The question was, "What health may I expect in the near future?"
Venus is significator of the querent. The Moon is co-significator of the querent. Mars, ruler of the 6th, 7th and 2nd, being conjunction the Asc., indicates that illness, partner and money are exerting an acute influence upon the querent. The significator, Venus, in the 8th, separating from the inconjunct to Mars, indicates some concern in the immediate past about death. The Moon, as co-significator, in the 11th, indicates that the querent is closely associated with friends. The Moon, as co-significator also of the 10th, indicates the friends to be quite absorbed in business; and not particularly concerned about the querent except for business purposes. The Moon is separating from the square of Sun and Mercury, indicating severe affliction to the health in the near past; probably a nervous breakdown, as the afflicting planets are in Gemini, and Mars on the Asc. denotes extreme activity.
The next aspect made by the Moon is in the conjunction with Saturn, indicating grave affliction to the health through depleted vitality; bowel trouble being indicated by Saturn in Virgo. Saturn also is the ruler of the 4th, governing the end of life. Next, the Moon immediately applies to the opposition of Uranus, showing disruption of the electromagnetic forces of the body, and indicating, through its position in Pisces, a seriously impaired circulation. The Moon thereafter applies to semisquare Mars, indicating inflammatory conditions, and then to semisquare Asc., showing other disturbances. No help is shown from the benefics. This chart, therefore, indicates that the querent has been seriously ill in the past, has not yet recovered, and will shortly die.
A Caution
I would, however, caution all against rendering a verdict of death either to the one who is to die, or to those intimately associated with him. Such a judgment has a depressing effect upon the afflicted person, and through the force of suggestion may well hasten the result. And such a thought held even by a friend of the afflicted person, though unknown to the latter, nevertheless carries the weight of a mentally delivered suggestion. It is usually possible to couch the language in which a judgment is given in such terms as to other encouragement and constructive suggestion, while at the same time rendering a truthful judgment and preparing the querent for eventualities.
Either in natal astrology or in horary astrology it is much better to refuse to give judgment than either to misstate the conditions or to give the querent adverse suggestions. An astrologer is not privileged to falsify; but he does have the privilege of leaving many things he knows unsaid.
Second House Questions
In all questions of wealth, either in horary astrology or in natal astrology, pay particular attention to Jupiter and Saturn, and to the ruler and co-ruler of the 2nd. In a chart where money is shown to be gained or lost, the planet showing the gain or loss will also indicate the method by which such condition is brought to pass. Pluto shows gain or loss through mass production, group activity, cooperation or coercion. Neptune shows gain or loss through promotion and schemes; Neptune never makes money through hard work. Uranus indicates gain or loss through sudden and unexpected events, through inventiveness, new methods, electrical appliances, occult forces, and the ability to sway and influence others. Saturn shows gain or loss through shrewdness, caution, organizing ability, or perseverance; and to the accompaniment of much hard work. Saturn may deny money, or he may cause its loss, but he never squanders it. Jupiter shows gain or loss through patronage, the handling of other people’s possessions, and through the favors of circumstances, or their apparent favors. Mars shows gain or loss through mechanical things, and through aggressiveness and initiative. Whatever Mars brings or takes away is accompanied by strife. Mars may, or may not, give money, but he never hoards it. The Sun shows gain or loss through the influence of politics, or people in power, and through circumstances in general. Venus shows gain or loss through social contacts, through the opposite sex, and through the artistic and beautiful. Mercury shows gain or loss through agencies, writing and travel. The Moon shows gain or loss through the common people, through commerce, and through domestic interests.
A common second house question is, "Will the debt due me be paid?"
The debtor, or other person, unless a relative or intimate friend—in which case the house denoting such relative or friend should be observed—is represented by the 7th, and his money by the 8th. If the debtor be an intimate friend or relative, his money is represented by the next house following the house which represents him. If the significator or co-significator of the querent, or the significator or co-significator of the 2nd, apply by aspect to, or have translation of light or collection of light with, either the significator of the 7th or the significator of the 8th, it indicates the matter will be taken up for settlement.
If the aspects thus forming between the significators of the querent and his money and the debtor and his money are evil, an unsatisfactory settlement will be made. But if the aspects thus forming are favorable, the debt will be paid in full. If the significators are not brought together by aspect, translation or collection of light, no particular effort is shown on the part of the debtor to make any kind of settlement.
Another second house question is, "Shall I be rich?"
Judge chiefly from the aspects of any planet in the 2nd, and from the position and aspects of the ruler of the sign on the cusp of the 2nd. If the significator of money receives a strong and benefic aspect from Jupiter, it shows the power to acquire wealth. If the significator of money receives a strong and benefic aspect from Saturn, it indicates the ability to save wealth. Great riches require the favor of both these business planets. Good aspects from Jupiter and evil from Saturn show gain followed by loss. Good aspects from Saturn and evil aspects from Jupiter indicate power to retain, but poor ability to gain. The aspects of the other planets to the significator of money all assist or hinder, each in the manner above stated. The luminaries well aspected is also a great help in money matters, as it indicates favors both from those occupying position and the common people; both of these conditions assisting in the gain of wealth.
One of the most useful second house questions is, "Will the proposition make me money?"
It is better to set the chart for the exact time the proposition first became clear; though if this be neglected the question may be asked later, at the time the urge is felt for solution. If the significators and co-significators of the querent and his money are favorably aspected and apply to a favorable aspect, translation, or collection of light, to the significator of the proposition, money will be made out of it. If the significator of the proposition—if a business, the 10th, if publishing, the 9th, if speculation or hazard, the 5th, if real estate, the 4th, etc.—is well aspected and the significator of the querent applies to a good aspect of the significator of his money, or if there is a benefic translation or collection of light between these two significators, money can be made out of it. But if the aspects formed between the various significators given above are evil, either no money will be made from it, or not enough to recompense for the trouble. Where the testimonies conflict, the amount of gain or loss and its cause is shown by the planets making the aspects.
Example chart No. 5 (see top of page for data), was erected for Oct. 21, 1920, 9:20 A.M., P.S.T., Ryepatch, Nev. 40N30 L18W15. The chart was set up for the exact time a proposition was presented to buy a building which had been used as a warehouse. The question was asked, "Will the proposition make me money?"
The querent is signified by Mars, with Jupiter and Moon as co-significators. Mars is separating from sextile Uranus, indicating the occult study in which the querent had been engaged. Jupiter is applying to a semisextile Neptune, ruler of the 4th, bringing the real estate to him, and applying to a conjunction Saturn, significator of the querent’s money. The Moon is in the house of writing, separating from the opposition of Neptune. The deal, as I saw it, should not have been attempted; but already, as this aspect disclosed, he had signed the papers, and could not withdraw.
The Moon next applies to semisquare Mars, showing friction; then to a square of Mercury and Venus in the house of disappointments, indicating a series of obstacles and disappointments in regard to the deal. Because Venus rules the house of friends, it was predicted that some friend upon whom he depended would disappoint him; but because Moon also applies to the trine of the Sun in the 11th before leaving the sign, that some other friend would come to his rescue in time to save him from complete disaster. This judgment was verified in detail.
Third House Questions
Questions relating to brethren, studies, thoughts, writing, news and short journeys belong to the third house. A common third house question is, "Shall I agree with my neighbor?"
In such a question, note the aspects between the significator and co-significator of the querent and the ruler and co-ruler of the 3rd house. If the aspects are malefic, disagreement is indicated. Those aspects between the significators that are separating indicate conditions past and those applying indicate the conditions in the future.
A very important third house question is, "Is the news true?"
When possible it is better to erect the figure for the exact time the report was first heard. The ruler and co-ruler of the 3rd represent the news. The house occupied by the ruler of the cusp of the 3rd indicates the department of life through which the querent is influenced by the news. A movable sign on the Asc.; Mercury, the Moon or the significator of the news in a movable sign; all tend to indicate that the news will later be contradicted. A fixed sign rising; Mercury, the Moon and the significator of the news in a fixed sign; all tend to give the report permanence and reliability.
Mercury severely afflicted tends to show the news false. If the affliction is from Neptune, it is an exaggeration, if from Uranus it is an invention pure and simple, if from Saturn it is designed to deceive for some crafty, selfish purpose, if from Jupiter it arose in a jest, if from Mars, from enmity, if from Venus, through imperfect knowledge, if from the Moon, through idle gossip. Good aspects to Mercury tend to confirm the news as true. The general nature of the news, for good or ill, is shown by the various aspects of the planets to the significator of the news. The effect of the news upon the querent is shown by the significator of the querent and its aspects; particularly any aspect between the significator of the querent and the significator of the news.
It is sometimes also desirable to know the condition of an absent brother or sister. In such a chart, the cusp of the 3d represents, and its ruler is significator of, the brother or sister. The next house to the 3rd which is the 4th, represents the brother’s money, the 5th, his neighbors, the 6th, his home, and so on around the chart. The house occupied by the ruler of the 3rd, counting the 3rd as the 1st of the brother, indicates his present interests. Thus the 9th house of the chart indicates his partners. But to find the direction in which the brother is, from the querent, note the quadrant of the chart occupied by the ruler of the 3rd, and judge the brother to be in the direction commonly designated by this quadrant of the chart.
A very common third house question is, "Shall I take a short journey?" In all questions of travel, writing and study, pay particular attention to Mercury and Uranus. When the significators of the querent and the significators of the 3rd are free from serious affliction, it is safe to take land journeys; and if they are well aspected such journeys will prove successful. If the significators of the 1st and 3rd are much afflicted, serious difficulties will be encountered. If there is an application by aspect, translation or collection of light between the significators of the querent and the significators of the 3rd, the journey will be taken.
As an illustration merely, because the question was actually about money, let us ask, using example chart No. 5 (see top of page for data), "Shall I take the journey?"
Mars separating from sextile Uranus in the 3rd shows an opportunity in the recent past for a trip. Jupiter in the 9th, co-significator of the querent, also inclines to a journey. Mercury, a travel planet, conjunction Venus, indicates some happy friendship resulting from travel. But as these two planets are in the house of disappointments, and the next aspects of the Moon are to semisquare Mars and then to square Mercury and Venus; the trip would not be without some trouble, and would prove disappointing. The Moon in opposition to Neptune indicates glowing anticipations which would not be realized.
Fourth House Questions
Questions relating to the environment, domestic affairs, mines, real estate and lost articles belong to the fourth house.
Any article lost, strayed, or stolen, the whereabouts of which are unknown to the querent, is designated by the fourth house. If the hidden thing belongs to a friend, it is designated by the 2nd; if to a brother, it is designated by the 6th; and so on; for the 2nd house of the chart is the 4th house of a friend, and the 6th house of the chart is the fourth from the 3rd, or brother. Then note the part of the chart in which the ruler of the cusp of the 4th is located, and judge the article to be in that direction from the querent. But the kind of a place in which the article is located is indicated by the sign in which the ruler of the 4th, ruler of the lost article, is found.
If there is a benefic application by aspect, translation or collection of light, between the significator of the party to whom the article rightfully belongs and the significator of the article, it will be recovered; the means being shown by the planets and their aspects. If the application between significators is evil, either it will not be recovered or will cost more to recover than its value. If no such application, either benefic or malefic, be present, it will not be recovered.
In a question relative to buying real estate of any kind, the 4th represents the property and its value to the querent. If the significators of the property are malefic and badly aspected, the property has little value and will be a source of annoyance. If the significators of the 4th are benefics and well aspected, the property is of good value. The house and sign in which the ruler of the cusp of the 4th is found, together with its aspects, and the 4th house, give the facts concerning the property. The seller of the property is signified by the 7th, and the property’s value to the seller is signified by the 10th. Planets in the 10th, or the ruler of the 10th well aspected and free from affliction, indicates a high price. A malefic in the 10th, or evil aspects to the ruler of the sign on the 10th, indicates that the property is an annoyance to the seller, and that he will sell cheaply. The facility with which the bargain may be brought to a close is shown by the relation of the significators of the querent to the significators of the 7th.
Example chart No. 6 (see top of page for data), was erected for August 4, 1920, 11:10 P.M., M.S.T. Denver, Colorado 39N45 104W59. The question was, "Will my oil land produce oil?"
The significator of the querent in the 4th indicates the nature of the question. The co-significator of the querent (Moon) in the 12th, separating from trine Neptune and the Sun, show restrictions placed upon the querent by real estate investments. Neptune is the planet of oil, and in the 4th indicates the hope of finding oil on the land. Mercury, ruler of the 2nd and co-ruler of the 5th, in opposition to the M.C. indicates that the querent has jeopardized his business through placing money in the property, and that it is a hazard, as the 5th is involved. The Sun and Neptune are well aspected by the Moon, however, showing the property to be valuable. Venus is square the Asc., showing the property to be an obstacle to the querent at the time the question was asked. But the next aspect of the Moon is trine Venus, bringing the querent benefit from the property, and the aspect immediately following is Moon trine Jupiter, Jupiter being in the house of the property’s wealth, the querent’s 5th. I conclude, therefore, that the land will yield a producing oil well; and that the querent will find it a very good investment, not only for himself, but also for his partners; for Venus applies to conjunction Jupiter, ruler of the partner’s money. Although the square of Sun and Neptune to Mars in the 6th, ruler of the 7th, indicates that the inefficiency of workmen will cause some loss, and that some difficulty arise with partners, the property will yield excellent returns.
Fifth House Questions
Questions relating to pleasures, speculations, children and love affairs, belong to the fifth house. In such questions the ruler and co-ruler of the 5th indicate the conditions surrounding the amusement, pleasure, speculation or child asked about, and their aspects to the significators of the querent, their influence upon him. The fifth house has rule over the stock market and all gambling.
A common fifth house question is, "Shall I have children?
In such a question note the sign ascending, the sign on the cusp of the 5th, the sign the ruler of the cusp of the 5th is in, and the sign the Moon is in. If these are fruitful—Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces—it is a testimony of children. If these are moderately fruitful signs—Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius—it argues neither for nor against children. If they are barren signs—Aries, Leo and Capricorn—the testimony is to deny children. The Moon or benefics in the 5th indicate children. The Sun or malefics in the 5th indicate that there will be no children or that they will not be reared. The number of children, where children are shown, is indicated by the number of aspects formed by the chief significator of the 5th. The 11th also should be given some consideration; for it indicates the children of the marriage partner.
Example chart No. 7 (see top of page for data), was erected for Sept. 7, 1920, 6:50 P.M. E.S.T., Chicago, III. 41N52 87W39. The question was, "Will children bless my married life?"
A fruitful sign rises, the Moon is in a fruitful sign, a fruitful sign is on the cusp of the 5th, and the ruler of the cusp of the 5th is in a fruitful sign; indicating a natural tendency to have a large family. The Moon separates from semisextile Neptune, significator of the querent, and applies immediately to sextile Mercury, Sun and Saturn, indicating that the querent will have children in the near future. Three children are shown distinctly by the three aspects, and owing to the abundance of fruitful testimonies the querent would probably have more than three. As the aspect from Moon to the significator of the querent is slightly fortunate, and the aspect from Moon to the three planets is fortunate; these children will prove a great blessing. The ruler of the 1st in the 6th indicates the querent to be in uncertain health at the time the question was asked. After completing the three aspects mentioned, the Moon applies to semisquare Mars and semisquare Jupiter, indicating that children born after the first three would cause more trouble and be more difficult to raise.
Sixth House Questions
Questions relating to servants, sickness, labor, small live stock and foods, belong to the sixth house.
To determine the nature, duration and seriousness of an illness, a chart should be erected for the exact time when the patient first perceived his illness. If this time is not known, the chart may be erected for the time the question first becomes clear. The significators of the 6th indicate the illness, and by their aspects, good or bad, give testimony to its seriousness. But even more importance should be placed upon the significator of the person ill and the luminaries, giving judgment as illustrated under the first house question, "Will my health improve?"
The heaviest afflictions to the significators of the querent indicate the birth-chart constants of the disease. What disease is thus indicated by the birth-chart constants is set forth in Course XVI, Stellar Healing and in Body Disease and Its Stellar Treatment.
In a question of hiring a servant, or leasing to a tenant, the significators of the 6th represent the servant or tenant. A benefic in the 6th shows a kindly disposed person, a malefic, one not so genial. The aspects to the significators of the 6th show much concerning him, and the aspects between the significators of the querent and the significators of the tenant or servant indicate to what extent he will agree with the querent.
Example chart No. 8 (see top of page for data), was erected for June 4, 1920, 2:06 A.M., E.S.T., New York City 40N43 73W57. The question was, "Is this person a desirable tenant?"
Mars is chief significator of the querent, and the Moon is his co-significator. Mars is likewise chief significator of the tenant, showing him to be an aggressive person. The ruler of the 1st in the 6th shows the tenant would dominate the querent. Mercury is co-significator of the tenant, in Gemini, in the 3rd, separating from the trine of Mars; showing good will between the tenant and the querent in the past. The Sun in the 2nd, trine Mars, indicates that the tenant would pay well. He would, however, be difficult to get along with, and very determined to have his own way in all things. The Moon applying square Mars shows that ultimately there would arise difficulties with him. Movable signs on the angles, the tenant signified by a traveling planet, and a planet in a movable sign, and the Moon in a movable sign, all indicate that the tenancy would be of short duration. This tenant would not prove of permanent value, but would be willing to pay well for the time of his tenancy.
World War II: Japan Suddenly Attacks United States
December 7, 1941, 7:50 a.m. S.T., Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
Japanese planes began to rain bombs on the ships and airdromes of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Japan at that time was talking peace at Washington, and professing the belief that a satisfactory settlement of all difficulties was about to be reached. The attack was quite unexpected by the U. S. forces in Hawaii, and caught them completely off guard.
The chart must be read as a Japanese enterprise. It thus represents how Japan will be affected by the war she then started.
World War II: United States Declares War on Japan
December 8, 1941, 4:10 p.m. E.S.T., White House
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed the United States Declaration of War on Japan.
This chart must be read as a United States enterprise. It thus indicates the fortunes and misfortunes which the U. S. will encounter in its war with Japan.