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Spiritual Capricorn


Spiritual Capricorn Exercise

December 22 thru January 20

Keyword: Use
Thoughts Ruled by this Sign Belong to Utility Series

Best Quality: Diplomacy
Worst Quality: Deceitfulness

Synonyms: Adept, agile, clever, competent, cunning, deft, devious, dexterous, discreet, handy, methodical, modest, mundane, nifty, neat, nimble, organized, political, practiced, repetitive, sensible, shrewd, solid, sparing, stylish, tactful, skillful, systematic, subtle, worthwhile.

Spiritual Text: "Every Environment Offers Opportunities for Spiritual Advancement and He who Makes Good Use of His Present Circumstances for Spiritual Ends Will Attract New Opportunities.”

—C. C. Zain, Course 7, Spiritual Astrology

Spiritual Capricorn Exercises

By Christopher Gibson

Over the next week take the time to reread the text on spiritual Capricorn and to answer the following questions. The answers to these questions and subsequent Spiritual Exercises will form a journal of spiritual self-inquiry. This writing process will deepen your understanding of The Brotherhood of Light Lessons and Hermetic Philosophy as well as provide insights into your own spiritual processes. Over time, you will gain in greater self-discovery and self-realization and have the means of tracking your own process of spiritual maturation.

  • Can you remember a time when you were faced with a difficult life experience and were able to use it for your own spiritual advancement?
  • Describe the event.
  • How did this experience change or impact you?
  • How do you determine constructive and destructive behavior in your life?
  • Describe a time where you may have sought personal gain by disadvantaging another person.
  • Were you in any way deceitful?
  • Have you ever been able to make amends to someone you have harmed?
  • How did this make you feel?
  • Describe the specific circumstances that can arouse your feelings of selfishness.
  • Do you ever act on these feelings?
  • Did your actions create greater difficulties?
  • In your own words, what is the opposite of selfishness?
  • Can you remember a time that your were selfless and placed the needs of another above your own?
  • How did this make you feel?
  • Is there an area of your life where you work continuously for the benefit of others without consideration of personal gain?
  • Is there an area of life in which you would like to contribute to the wellbeing of others? What is it?
  • Thus far, what has prevented you from pursuing this activity?
  • Where is the sign of Capricorn in your horoscope? Does it fall on a house cusp? If so, which one? Describe how Capricorn influences your thinking in this area of life?
  • Do you have any planets in Capricorn? If so, which planet/s? How do they influence you?
  • What import life lessons can you discern about the role of Capricorn in your chart?

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