Aquarian Goddess : Your Cycles, Self-Image and Weight
By Susan J. Zuber
This book is for the women willing to manifest her own destiny!
Learn about personal cycles and how to increase self-esteem by identifying your cycles and taking advantage of timing to initiate physical and mental change. Dedicated to Light, Life and Love.
In this book you will:
*Discover your Personal Cycles by using the book's unique, practical system of record keeping.
*Increase your self esteem as a result of charting and interpreting your cycles to alter any aspect of your life tha may be causing difficulty like your relationships, job, children, weight, or self image.
*Know yourself better by identifying your cycles and working with them in a positive and constructive manner.
* Learn to take advantage of timing to initiate physical change, recondition yourself, and manifest your own destiny.
* Become more intuitive, confident and slimmer - if that is what you really want! By using the system of visualizing and rewarding yourself included in this book you will be able to attain your goals.
212 pages 5 1/2 x 8 1/2" Trade Paperback
ISBN 0-911777-06-7