Edward Doane, a former president of The Church of Light and husband to the prolific astrological writer Doris Chase Doane, worked closely with Elbert Benjamine (C. C. Zain) on many of the CofL research projects.
Ed was insturmental in helping Benjamine to refine the CofL ESP concepts and training, especially highlighting the difference between Feeling ESP and the safer Intellectual ESP.
This book is a wonderful collection of Aquarian Age writings by Mr. Doane.
Topics include: Philosophy of the Aquarian Age, Psychology and Alchemy, Astrology and Extrasensory Perception.
This work presents statistical guidlines for interpreting both natal and progressed positions.
It is the only currently-available source of the statistical research done by The Church of Light Astrological Research Department, under the direction of Elbert Benjamine(aka C.C. Zain).
No astrologer’s library is complete without this volume.
Blending Astrology, Numerology & the Tarot
Doris Chase Doane
The grand dame of astrology, as she was dubbed in a Life magazine article, has put together a tasty repast with all the right ingredients.
In her deft filigree combination of the three the reader soon realizes the close interrelationship of these three subjects ... and in doing so will greatly improve their ability to interpret card readings and the hidden influence of names and numbers.
Here is an up-to-date book containing an easy and enlightening approach to getting the most out of reading tarot cards.
14 diiferent spreads using keywords to give a smooth, informative interpretation for every card in the tarot deck.
This book is filled with information, a great reference book.
This book is an essential tool for those who want to learn to read the cards of The Brotherhood of Light Deck in spreads.
How to judge the winners of contests, sporting events, debates, elections, etc. Using Horary Charts to show the importance of timing and the wording of questions, the casting and delination of the charts are explained in detail.
About the Author:
Doris Chase Doane set the foundations of astrological accuracy with her Times Changes for the USA (1966) and Time Changes for Canada and Mexico (1968). She left behind over 30 books ranging from Horoscopes of the US Presidents (1952) to Life’s Astrological Assistance (2004), and many, many articles related to astrology and the Brotherhood of Light teachings.
She became involved with the Church of Light in 1941, working there and through study became a Hermetician. In 1943, she attended UCLA and majored in psychology and sociology, discovering her facility with writing. She met Edward Doane, whom she married in 1944. She and her husband worked at the Church of Light Headquarters, providing service through teaching, research, grading papers, processing orders, and overseeing printing production. Their support at the Headquarters allowed Elbert Benjamine (CCZain) the freedom to tour the country in the post-war II promotion of Brotherhood of Light teachings. She also served on the Board of Directors of the Church of Light and became president of the AFA in 1979 and served in this capacity until 2004.
An excellent book on how to delineate and interpret a chart using Astrodynes. Astrodynes are a method developed by the Church of Light for quantifying the power, hamony and discord of planets, signs and houses in an astrological chart based on house position and planetary aspects.
Doris, often called the Grand Dame of astrology and member of the Church of Light Board of Directors before her passing, uses the term Cosmodynes in place of Astrodynes, but the methods are identical.
About the Author: Doris Chase Doane set the foundations of astrological accuracy with her Times Changes for the USA (1966) and Time Changes for Canada and Mexico (1968). She left behind over 30 books ranging from Horoscopes of the US Presidents (1952) to Life’s Astrological Assistance (2004), and many, many articles related to astrology and the Brotherhood of Light teachings.
She became involved with the Church of Light in 1941, working there and through study became a Hermetician. In 1943, she attended UCLA and majored in psychology and sociology, discovering her facility with writing. She met Edward Doane, whom she married in 1944. She and Ed worked at the Church of Light Headquarters, providing service through teaching, research, grading papers, processing orders, and overseeing printing production. Their support at the Headquarters allowed Elbert Benjamine (CCZain) the freedom to tour the country in the post-war II promotion of Brotherhood of Light teachings. She became President of the Church of Light and also served on the Board of Directors. She was also president of the AFA in 1979 and served in this capacity until 2004.
This book uses 126 charts to clearly illustrate the art of Horary Astrology. Doris Chase Doane uses her 60 years of study and over 10,000 charts of research in creating her book titles. This book is considered a companion volume to CS08Horary Astrology by C.C. Zain.
The first five chapters focus on the rules for reading a horary chart. Subsequent chapters feature queries pertaining to matters reflecting each of the horoscope's 12 houses or departments of life.
The book is a formidable work that will fill a huge gap in modern astrological research.
It is a must have for all astrological students and professionals.
Positive Benefits of Astrology
Doris Chase Doane
This is a great bedside book.
In it you will learn many secrets for attracting a happier, more successful and spiritual life.
Any neophyte on the pathway will recognize the great benefit of the self-help suggestions within these pages.
Some of the interesting topics you will find include: the accident syndrome, the youthful outlook, what degree is your temper, finding friends in your horoscope and demonstrating your heart’s desire.
Secret Symbolism of the Tarot by Doris Chase Doane
In this book the author takes the student on a spiritual journey to the deeper meaning of the tarot.
Exploring the subject as a path toward the development of the soul. It describes the tarot cards in minute detail, and reveals their relationship to the neophyte’s initiation, biblical references and the esoteric meaning of numbers.
Doane unveils the astrological significance of the tarot in a way that illuminates the beginning student and provides valuable insights for advanced students of the tarot as well.
"After studying this book, the secrets of Tarot are not only revealed, but the mind seems to open up to the symbolic messages of every day life." Allyn McCray, Church of Light Hermetician and Certified Teacher.