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Astrology: Superstition or Science-Pamphlet

Author/Speaker: H.S.D (Sue) Starnaman

Astrology: Superstition or Science-Pamphlet

Astrology: Superstition or Science  
H.S.D. Starnaman

Presentation of the facts of the Hermetic System and a discussion of what astrology is and is not.

About the Author:

H.S.D. “Sue” Starnaman was born in Kitchener, Ontario on December 28, 1907.  She married C.H. Starnaman in 1929, the same year she began writing. In 1930 she became involved in psychic research and by 1932 she joined the Brotherhood of Light.  Shortly thereafter the Brotherhood of Light became the Church of Light. The Church of Light was formed by Elbert Benjamine to further the Religion of the Stars.

 In 1935 Sue Starnaman began teaching Church of Light lessons in Toronto. This was an activity she maintained throughout the rest of her life.In 1940 Sue became ordained as a Church of Light Minister.  She became President of the Church of Light Canada in 1942 and by 1945 Sue took full charge of Church of Light headquarters in Canada. 

She was president of this organization for over forty years and taught the Hermetic astrology classes in Toronto  for forty-eight years.

6 pages   8 1/2 x 11"  PDF eBook download



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