Spiritual Astrology
The Origins of Astro-Mythology and Stellar Religion
by C.C. Zain
PDF eBook for PC and Mac
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This is the seventh book in the 21 Brotherhood of Light Course series by C. C. Zain on the Hermetic Sciences, Astrology, Alchemy, Tarot, Kabbalah and the Occult.
This book presents the timeless wisdom embodied in the mythology and folklore that is associated with the original 48 constellations. The book goes through each of the twelve zodiacal constellations and the 36 ultra-zodiacal constellations corresponding to each decanate or 10-degree section of the zodiac.
The book delves deeply into the origins of astro-mythology and stellar religion that are common to all the great centers of civilization including the ancient Egyptian, Babylonian and Chaldean, Greco-Roman, Mayan, Pre-Inca, Aztec and native North American Indian. The astrological origins of many international and U.S. holidays are also explained.
Study Questions for each chapter/serial lesson are included.
Course 7 of 21 in the Brotherhood of Light Study Program.
Serial Lesson No. |
Chapter/Serial Lesson Title |
71 |
Our Spiritual Legacy |
72 |
The Fountain of Youth |
73 |
Knights of King Arthur |
74 |
Story of the Three Bears |
75 |
The Ladder to Heaven |
76 |
Is there a Santa Claus |
77 |
Why Eve Was Tempted |
78 |
The Marriage in Heaven |
79 |
The Scorpion and the Eagle |
80 |
The Bow of Bright Promise |
81 |
News From the Summerland |
82 |
In the Reign of Aquarius |
83 |
The Tree of Life |
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