Weather Predicting
The Hermetic System of Astrological Weather Analysis
by C. C. Zain
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This book is the fifteenth in the 21 Brotherhood of Light Course series by C. C. Zain on the Hermetic Sciences, Astrology, Alchemy, Tarot, Kabbalah and the Occult.
In this book, the author provides a rare and detailed study on astrometeorology, the science of astrological weather predicting. The books demonstrates how studying the art of weather predicting using astrological methods provides a valuable tool particularly useful for those involved in agriculture, aviation, travel and even planning.
Weather charts may be used to determine variations from normal weather patterns by comparing Temperature, Wind and Moisture charts for a given location and time. Astrological weather predicting uses the cycles of the Sun, Moon, and Mercury to draw correlations between astral and physical weather conditions. It is one of the few texts available entirely devoted to astrological influences on the weather.
Study Questions for each chapter/serial lesson are included.
Course 15 of 21 in the Brotherhood of Light Study Program.
Serial Lesson No. |
Chapter/Serial Lesson Title |
190 |
Astrological Weather Predicting |
191 |
Reading Astrological Weather Charts |
192 |
Astrological Temperature Charts |
193 |
Astrological Air Movement Charts |
194 |
Astrological Moisture Charts |
195 |
Unusual Weather |
196 |
Tornadoes and Hurricanes |
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