Using Natal Astrodynes in Chart Analysis (scroll down to see contents)
Tutorial Topics
Introduction to Natal Astrodynes
What are Astrodynes
Definition of prominence
Traditional rules of thumb for determining the prominence and influence of a planet
Dealing with discordant aspects in the chart
The principles on which Astrodynes are based
Aspect orbs and house power variation
The basis for determining harmodyne and discordyne values
Using the Natal Astrodyne Table
Sorting the astrodyne table
The most powerful planets in the chart
The most powerful houses in the chart
Finding the best and worst Planet
Finding the best and worst Houses
How to take advantage of power and harmony and ameliorate discord
Using the Aspect Grid
Finding the most powerful aspects in the house
Finding the most harmonious and most discordant aspects in the chart
Using the Astrodyne Summary Table
Power and harmony distribution among Societies, Trinities, Elements and Qualities
How to use Horoscope Help topics to aid chart interpretation