Light of Egypt
Thomas H. Burgoyne
This is an important book for any earnest student of the occult sciences.
Burgoyne was a member of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, the precursor to The Brotherhood of Light, which became a public organization incorporated as The Church of Light in 1932. First published in 1900, this work was, in part, a response to H. P. Blavatsky's "Isis Unveiled" in which she introduces western occultism to the Hindu concepts of karma and reincarnation, published in 1877.
Light of Egypt is one of the first books to fully present the hermetic (occult) sciences that formed the basis of The Brotherhood of Light.
This book is an occult library in itself, a textbook of esoteric knowledge, setting forth the ancient “Wisdom Religion” as taught by the adepts of hermetic philosophy and science.
Volume I includes chapters on the science of the soul, the mysteries of sex, karma and reincarnation, mediumship, the sacred cycles known as La Clef Hermetique, astrology and alchemy.
Volume II covers astrology, astro-theology, astro-mythology, alchemy, talismans, ceremonial magic, The Tablets of Aeth and the Mysteries of Eros.
506 pages Two Volume Set 6 x 9" Trade Paperbacks
Vol I ISBN 1-58509-051-4
Vol II ISBN 1-58509-052-4