Spiritual Virgo
Spiritual Virgo
August 23 thru September 23
Keyword: I Analyze
Best Quality: Analysis
Worst Quality: Criticism
anatomize, consider, categorize, classify, differentiate, dissect, distinguish, examine, evaluate, explore, inquire, inspect, investigate, probe, question,
query, research, review, scrutinize, separate, study, survey, test.
Spiritual Text
“If a Man Sows Discordant Thoughts He Will Reap Painful Experiences, But if He Sows Thoughts of Harmony He Will Garner Success and Happiness.”
—C. C. Zain, Course 7
The companion Spiritual Virgo exercise by Christopher
Gibson is accessed by clicking here.
to Zain, Spiritual Virgo has much to teach us about our own consciousness and
how it grows as a result of experience with contrasts.
To illustrate the lessons of Virgo Zain uses the story of Adam and Eve in the
Garden of Eden. The Garden of Eden represents the state of the soul's
development along the path of the Cycle of Necessity in which the twin souls are
united and blissfully unaware. They are like the cherubim or baby angels,
vitally alive but limited in ability and consciousness.
“It is said that out of the ground of this garden the Lord God made to grow
every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. It also contained
the tree of life as well as the tree of knowledge of good and evil.”
The fruit of both trees is forbidden to Adam and Eve. The “Tree of Life” is
located at a great distance—across the zodiac in one of the decanates of the
opposite sign Pisces. The tree of “Good and Evil” is located within the
boundaries of the Garden—an ever-present possibility.
AAdam, in typical male fashion moves forward along his straight path while Eve follows a more sinuous path. The curvature of her path widens her horizons and one day she happens upon a serpent occupying the “Tree of Good and Evil.” Engaging Eve in conversation the serpent tells her of all the possibilities that are within her reach. Among these tantalizing possibilities is the acquisition of knowledge and wisdom, giving her great power. All she has to do is partake of the forbidden fruit.
Convincing herself that eating the
forbidden fruit is a desirable thing to do, she takes the fruit to Adam telling
him of her encounter with the serpent. Together, they choose to partake of the
Breaking the cardinal rule to not eat of the forbidden fruit, a blissful,
unconscious existence is no longer possible and they are cast out of the Garden.
Outside the garden they see things they hadn't noticed before. Now they see dark
and light; feel hot and cold; experience happiness and sadness. These
contrasting experiences awaken their nascent consciousness. Now they know they
are naked, hungry and without shelter. They begin to think about and work to
acquire clothing, nourishment and shelter where they can feel protection, peace
and happiness.
The suggestion is made that Adam and Eve are cast from the garden as a
punishment. This would make sense from the exoteric Judeo-Christian tradition
where the serpent is portrayed as evil. However, in the esoteric occult
tradition the serpent is associated with Wisdom. Wisdom comes from experience. Maybe in the long run (from the
perspective of “progressive evolution”) being cast out of the garden isn't such a
bad thing? Consider this proposition: What if Adam and Eve do not experiment
with the fruit? They do not follow their inner urging. They are still in that
Garden, blissfully unaware, without need to develop their abilities or
accomplish anything. If this were so, then there would be no stories to tell.
Thankfully, depending on one's perspective, this is not what happened and we,
their children, are free to have our own experiences and consequently to
notice, feel, distinguish, analyze, choose—to be conscious and find our way back to the
Garden. The price we pay for this freedom is the work we must perform in order
to gain knowledge, to expand consciousness and make sense of our experience; thereby gaining the
ability to survive and ultimately thrive when successful.
“The sign Virgo has rule over labor and harvests of all kinds. Therefore,
when Adam, and the woman who was called Eve were thrust from the parental
environment, it was said that in order to live they must till the fields and
raise crops, not all of which would be wheat, as thorns and thistles also are
mentioned. Furthermore, to keep warm they had to make clothing. All of these
things required just such labor as the zodiacal sign rules; and people still
sweat to get the bread they eat; such bread as is signified by the ears of wheat
held in celestial Virgo's hand.”
Zain associates the garden with the earthy sign Virgo where the Sun passes
from August 23rd to September 23rd. It is the harvest season where the fruits of
one's labor are gathered and the selection process of analyzing which food is
acceptable is in full swing. The ability to separate and analyze is associated
with Adam and Eve partaking of the fruit of the tree of “Good and Evil.” In
fact, the Key phrase for the sign is, I Analyze. To know if something is good or
bad for you it is necessary to gain knowledge about it. The only way to do that
is through experience and growing one's ability to differentiate.
“Like Eve, people born when the Sun is in Virgo are inveterate askers of
questions, always wanting to know how things work. It was quite in character
that Eve should discuss the merits of the tree with the serpent, or with anyone
else who would talk with her about it. She wanted to know all there was to know
about the tree and about everything else. And after talking it over with the
serpent she decided, after all, that the tree of knowledge was good for food,
pleasant to the eyes, and to be desired as making one wise.
“The implication is plain that she decided knowledge is worth all it costs.
She paid the price, but she acquired that which Virgo most desires; for after
they had eaten, the Lord God said, ‘Behold, the man is become as one of us, to
know good and evil.’”
“At all times we are sowing in the soil of our own consciousness. We are
building thoughts into ourselves of various kinds. These thought cells, in turn,
when sufficient energy has been supplied them to give them strength, work to
attract events of a similar quality into the life. The text therefore becomes:
If a Man Sows Discordant Thoughts He Will Reap Painful Experiences, But if He
Sows Thoughts of Harmony He Will Garner Success and Happiness.”
By Vicki Brewer
The companion Spiritual Virgo exercise by Christopher
Gibson can be accessed by clicking on the image below or here.