ABC Basic Chart Reading is a good beginner’s manual-text book.
A perceptive, easy to follow guide to the basics of horoscope interpretation — the ingredients of the horoscope are discussed and explained.
Covered topics include: what you are; what you feel; what you desire; what you attract; and what you work with. Additionally the detailed meanings of the aspects, houses and planets (the harmonious and discordant sides) are explained. This book has been used for years by students, teachers, professionals, writers of astrological books and articles as well as those who just want a better understanding of their horoscope.
A good reference book for the novice or advanced astrologer.
Great descriptions of the Planets, Aspects, Houses and their corresponding influences, characteristics and environments.
Aquarian Goddess : Your Cycles, Self-Image and Weight
By Susan J. Zuber
This book is for the women willing to manifest her own destiny!
Learn about personal cycles and how to increase self-esteem by identifying your cycles and taking advantage of timing to initiate physical and mental change. Dedicated to Light, Life and Love.
In this book you will:
*Discover your Personal Cycles by using the book's unique, practical system of record keeping.
*Increase your self esteem as a result of charting and interpreting your cycles to alter any aspect of your life tha may be causing difficulty like your relationships, job, children, weight, or self image.
*Know yourself better by identifying your cycles and working with them in a positive and constructive manner.
* Learn to take advantage of timing to initiate physical change, recondition yourself, and manifest your own destiny.
* Become more intuitive, confident and slimmer - if that is what you really want! By using the system of visualizing and rewarding yourself included in this book you will be able to attain your goals.
Invaluable information on how to compare and discern Sun Sign Compatibility with Bosses, Employees, Partners, Co-workers and Clients.
Do you realize that practically everything we do in life involves dealing with others?
The way you relate, handle and deal with others could be the difference between your being successful or losing out.
An Astrological Guide to Compatibility In Business
The Secret To Success
• Are you a hardworking go-getter who can handle your hot temper? You'll get a raise from your Aries boss!
• Give your Gemini a problem to solve, he'll outdo himself. Saddle him with routine and he'll soon be saying good-bye.
• Feed your Cancer client. Express a personal interest. Call him next week. He needs lots of time.
So much of the chemistry that makes for success has to do with compatibility. So much of the luck that leads up the ladder has to do with being in the right place at the right time. So much of the magic that makes money has to do with knowing people.
Lynne Palmer's invaluable guide shows you how to recognize the Sun Signs at a glance. You'll learn how to know who will give you a hand; who needs to be handled with kid gloves; and who to have on your team if you want to make a mint!
Do You Know?
•What your real assets are and how to make them pay off?
•What your personal pitfalls are and how to avoid them?
• How to handle your boss, partner, clients, coworkers, and your employees?
•How to "read" your clients and make the one offer they can't refuse?
• How to take the next step up the ladder to success?
The "chemistry" of working well together...
The "luck" that leads to raises and promotions...
The "magic" that makes millions...
You will find them all in Lynne Palmer's
Are You Compatible With Your
Boss... Partner... Coworker... Clients ... Employees?
Astrological Lore of All Ages by Elbert Benjamine (aka C.C. Zain) is a classic on astro-mythology.
Tracing the origins of the Religion of the Stars from mythical Atlantis and Mu to its most significant manifestations in the occult lore of Egypt, Chaldea, pre-Inca, Maya, Aztec and American Indian. There emerges an astounding pattern of traditional knowledge enhanced by new age discoveries.
Learn about the astrological significance of all the holidays.
Discover when the Aquarian Age really started and what its horoscope looks like.
You’ve no doubt heard about astrology. Who hasn’t? But the popular perceptions of this extraordinary science are so erroneous and misguided that it’s safe to say that the general public has never had access to the facts of the subject.
So, Astrology…whatever you thought, think again explodes the myths and explains the facts.
This book allows you to boost your understanding and to re-think your ideas about the science of the soul and stars at a time when its subject matter is widely discredited and flagrantly abused.
133 pages
This is a PDF eBook distributed via a download link in your email receipt.
Astrology: Superstition or Science
H.S.D. Starnaman
Presentation of the facts of the Hermetic System and a discussion of what astrology is and is not.
About the Author:
H.S.D. “Sue” Starnaman was born in Kitchener, Ontario on December 28, 1907. She married C.H. Starnaman in 1929, the same year she began writing. In 1930 she became involved in psychic research and by 1932 she joined the Brotherhood of Light. Shortly thereafter the Brotherhood of Light became the Church of Light. The Church of Light was formed by Elbert Benjamine to further the Religion of the Stars.
In 1935 Sue Starnaman began teaching Church of Light lessons in Toronto. This was an activity she maintained throughout the rest of her life.In 1940 Sue became ordained as a Church of Light Minister. She became President of the Church of Light Canada in 1942 and by 1945 Sue took full charge of Church of Light headquarters in Canada.
She was president of this organization for over forty years and taught the Hermetic astrology classes in Toronto for forty-eight years.
This book is a compilation of the authentic Brotherhood of Light courses on Hermetic Astrology. It consists of eight volumes and over 1800 pages. There are seven courses in the Astrology branch of the Brotherhood of Light series. Zain’s focus for these studies is to present a unified understanding of how a student may apply Hermetic tradition and principles to build character, attract desired events into the life and significantly increase one’s happiness, usefulness and spirituality.
Astrology is the study of the impact of planetary influences on human life and worldly affairs. Each of the seven volumes in the astrology series, has a unique focus. Astrological Signatures describes the correspondence between celestial influences and all other beings, objects and events. Spiritual Astrology is the Science of the Soul in its relation to the stars, including astro-mythology and the astro-interpretation of scripture. Horary Astrology is the discipline of answering questions based on a chart of the heavens cast for a specific time and place. It also involves the selection of times to insure the positive outcome of ventures and events. Natal Astrology (Delineating the Horoscope and Progressing the Horoscope) is a human-centered astrology focusing on charting individual reactions to planetary influences. This includes the calculation, delineation and progression of birth charts with an emphasis on individual predispositions and the prediction and timing of future trends and events. Mundane Astrology is the art of judging planetary influences as they relate to countries, nations, cities and other corporate bodies. Weather Predicting studies the influence on weather through planetary variables associated with temperature, moisture and wind. Stellar Healing is the science of planetary influence related to health and disease. It explores stellar diagnosis and a form of energy medicine.
Only authentic Brotherhood of Light lessons by C. C. Zain can bear the trademark of the two interlaced trines, with the name of Deity in the center and astrological symbols around the outside.
The Brotherhood of Light is a modern-day Mystery School Tradition which offers a self-paced, home study course in Hermeticism. The goal of The Brotherhood of Light teachings is to create a world in which the dominant motivation of individuals is for Universal Welfare. That is, an ideal society that protects freedom of expression and worship, while simultaneously offering the tools by which freedom from want and fear can be achieved. We believe that this better world can be attained by becoming familiar with the facts of astrology, extra-sensory perception, directed-thinking and induced emotion, all taught in The Brotherhood of Light Lessons. The study and application of these teachings provides the aspirant with the tools to experience greater happiness, and spirituality, and to discover his or her role in God’s Great Plan.
This book integrates the following publications into one document:
CS02 Astrological Signatures: Evolution of the Soul and the Nature of Astrological Energies
CS07 Spiritual Astrology: The Origins of Astro-Mythology and Stellar Religion
CS08 Horary Astrology: How to Erect and Judge a Horoscope
CS10-1 Natal Astrology: Delineating the Horoscope
CS10-2 Natal Astrology: Progressing the Horoscope
CS13 Mundane Astrology: Interpreting Astrological Phenomena for Cities, Nations and Groups
CS15 Weather Predicting: The Hermetic System of Astrological Weather Analysis
CS16 Stellar Healing: Astrological Predisposition, Diagnosis and Treatment of Disease
This is a collection of articles written by founding members of The Church of Light, Lenora Conwell, Ed Doane, Maria Major and Elbert Benjamine.
This book captures the energy, spirit and altruism of the Aquarian Age and of each player who had had a role in the reestablishing of the stellar religion known as The Religion of the Stars.
How-to Manual for assessing Birth Charts using Church of Light Astrodynes.
Astrodynes is a technique developed by Elbert Benjamine and the Church of Light, for precise determination of the astrological power and harmony or discord of any planet, aspect, sign or house in an astrological chart.
The use of Astrodynes provides a method that greatly facilitates astrological analysis in all departments of life, and is one of most important astrological tools developed in modern times.
Learn to interpret dominant factors for health, compatibility, vocation and more.
Hermetic Astrology: The Decanates - A User's Guide
by D. W. Sutton
This book contains five example charts of notable people for each of the 36 decanates (10 degree section) of the zodiac - 180 comtemporary notable nativities sorted and analyzed by decanate. It is a valuable companion to CS 10-1 Delineating the Horoscope because it supplements the information in the first two chapters on the decanates. Sutton's book, however, contains contemporary notable personalities, and the charts are all Rodden-rated for authenticity.
This book is a PDF eBook and is distributed via a download link in your email receipt.
Created using the Horoscope Astrological Software Program
When you Order a Report, Please include the following in Comments Section:
Your Name, Your Birthdate, Your Birthtime (otherwise Noon will be used), and Birthplace.
Your report includes:
Natal Birth Chart Wheel
Interactive diagrams of the energy distribution in your Planets, Houses and Signs
Astrodyne Report with Power, Harmony and Discord for Planets, Houses and Signs
A detailed analysis of your natal chart (horoscope) for each Department of Life.
The report contains a very detailed analysis of your chart. In the appendix of the report you will find an astrology tutorial and description of the the glyphs used for planets, signs and aspects, and the keyword descriptions of what they mean.
You can significantly enhance your understanding of this report and other aspects of your birthchart, including your progressions, by reading some of the recommended books on our website.
This report will be emailed to you as an attachment. The report is an HTML file that can be viewed in any internet browser. Save the HTML file to a folder and then double-click the file to view it in your browser.
This report is produced by one of our staff members on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays and then emailed to you.
The following information is required to construct your birthchart. Please place this information in the comments section of your order:
Name: ________________________________ Date of Birth: _________________________________ Time of Birth: _________________________________ City & State/Country of Birth: _____________________ Source of data: birth certificate, hospital record, mother's memory, etc.__
The above information is necessary to generate the chart report.
An excellent book on how to delineate and interpret a chart using Astrodynes. Astrodynes are a method developed by the Church of Light for quantifying the power, hamony and discord of planets, signs and houses in an astrological chart based on house position and planetary aspects.
Doris, often called the Grand Dame of astrology and member of the Church of Light Board of Directors before her passing, uses the term Cosmodynes in place of Astrodynes, but the methods are identical.
About the Author: Doris Chase Doane set the foundations of astrological accuracy with her Times Changes for the USA (1966) and Time Changes for Canada and Mexico (1968). She left behind over 30 books ranging from Horoscopes of the US Presidents (1952) to Life’s Astrological Assistance (2004), and many, many articles related to astrology and the Brotherhood of Light teachings.
She became involved with the Church of Light in 1941, working there and through study became a Hermetician. In 1943, she attended UCLA and majored in psychology and sociology, discovering her facility with writing. She met Edward Doane, whom she married in 1944. She and Ed worked at the Church of Light Headquarters, providing service through teaching, research, grading papers, processing orders, and overseeing printing production. Their support at the Headquarters allowed Elbert Benjamine (CCZain) the freedom to tour the country in the post-war II promotion of Brotherhood of Light teachings. She became President of the Church of Light and also served on the Board of Directors. She was also president of the AFA in 1979 and served in this capacity until 2004.
This is an important book for any earnest student of the occult sciences.
Burgoyne was a member of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, the precursor to The Brotherhood of Light, which became a public organization incorporated as The Church of Light in 1932. First published in 1900, this work was, in part, a response to H. P. Blavatsky's "Isis Unveiled" in which she introduces western occultism to the Hindu concepts of karma and reincarnation, published in 1877.
Light of Egypt is one of the first books to fully present the hermetic (occult) sciences that formed the basis of The Brotherhood of Light.
This book is an occult library in itself, a textbook of esoteric knowledge, setting forth the ancient “Wisdom Religion” as taught by the adepts of hermetic philosophy and science.
Volume I includes chapters on the science of the soul, the mysteries of sex, karma and reincarnation, mediumship, the sacred cycles known as La Clef Hermetique, astrology and alchemy.
Volume II covers astrology, astro-theology, astro-mythology, alchemy, talismans, ceremonial magic, The Tablets of Aeth and the Mysteries of Eros.
506 pages Two Volume Set 6 x 9" Trade Paperbacks
Vol I ISBN 1-58509-051-4
Vol II ISBN 1-58509-052-4
This book describes how to erect a horoscope using the Koch and Placidus tables of houses through the use the American Ephemeris series. It includes easy to follow instructions and a worksheet you can use to be sure it is accurately created. It also includes tables of diurnal motion and interpolation to minimize the amount of math you need to use in the creation of your chart.
This book uses 126 charts to clearly illustrate the art of Horary Astrology. Doris Chase Doane uses her 60 years of study and over 10,000 charts of research in creating her book titles. This book is considered a companion volume to CS08Horary Astrology by C.C. Zain.
The first five chapters focus on the rules for reading a horary chart. Subsequent chapters feature queries pertaining to matters reflecting each of the horoscope's 12 houses or departments of life.
The book is a formidable work that will fill a huge gap in modern astrological research.
It is a must have for all astrological students and professionals.
-An investigation to test the accuracy and reliability of the planet prominence rule
by Dennis Sutton
This highly-recommended PDF ebook by D. W Sutton is a companion book to Astrology Revolution, by the same author. It takes a fascinating look into the standard astrology “planet prominence” rule and its effectiveness when compared with using Astrodynes in determining planet prominence.
All things considered the most important matter in astrological work is the assessment of planet prominence. A planet's prominence – in any birthchart – measures its ability to impress its influence upon the life. And the most important factor in astrological research is the integrity of the research model used to determine planet prominence.
This book is a great tool for sharpening your astrological chart analysis skills. It explains the planet prominence rule, how to use it and discusses issues that commonly arise. It then explains how to determine planet prominence using Astrodynes, C. C. Zain’s great tool for numerical chart analysis.
The book analyzes 100 example charts of notable persons, comparing the results of using the traditional astrology prominence rule with results from using Astrodynes to determine planet prominence and the impact on chart analysis results.
Vocational Selection and Counseling - Vol 2
Doris Chase Doane
The vocational area is one of the most important that a professional astrologer has to deal with today.Almost every client will ask about this important life subject.
These books are just as important for students.
Vol 1 focuses on individual horoscope career factors with emphasis on aptitude, motivation, income potential and avocations.
Vol 2 shows how to synthesize the many astrological factors to help clients make the best career choices and is an excellent resource for the counseling astrologer.
Based on this book, Lynne Palmer won the 1976 Annual Award given by Professional Astrologers for “Outstanding Contribution to the Art and Science of Astrology.” An intensive look at all the basics of Chart Comparison. In Three Parts, covered in detail.
Part One: Easy instructions on how to calculate aspects between two people’s horoscopes.
Part Two: Love (lucky?, unlucky?, your way of expressing affection); Sex (weak or strong sex drive?, your way expressing your sexual nature); Communication, ESP, Ego, Emotions and much more — your way of exchanging these traits with another person. Is your relationship going to last? Lead to Marriage or Divorce? Will debts or money be a problem? Is Companionship important? What type of person do you attract?
Part Three: The meanings of the aspects, houses, planets and how to compare them to another person’s horoscope. How the two of you affect one another. Example interpretation between the horoscopes of Jackie and J.F. Kennedy’s charts.
This work presents statistical guidlines for interpreting both natal and progressed positions.
It is the only currently-available source of the statistical research done by The Church of Light Astrological Research Department, under the direction of Elbert Benjamine(aka C.C. Zain).
No astrologer’s library is complete without this volume.
Beginner Horoscope Maker and Reader by
Elbert Benjamine
This book was originally published by The Aries Press, Chicago, Illinois, in 1943 as two volumes: Beginner's Horoscope Maker and Beginner's Horoscope Reader. Both were authored by Elbert Benjamine.
Part One, the “Maker” was written at a time when astrological charts were calculated by hand using, what at the time, was simple mathematics. Today computers are faster and more accurate than performing the tedious hand-calculations. However, for anyone seeking a thorough understanding of aspects and the finer nuances of chart interpretation, it can be very helpful to understand the math and Beginning Horoscope Maker is helpful in this regard.
Part Two, the “Reader” is a simplified system for interpreting a chart. Its brief interpretations are helpful for gaining insight into a birth chart and for learning how to synthesize the various components of a chart. Interpreting the symbols on a chart is a daunting task for the beginning student. The “Reader” helps bridge the chasm between the beginner and the proficient
In 1972 the two volumes were combined into one book, Beginner's Horoscope Maker & Reader.
The 1972 version is here presented in its entirety.
The Birthchart and Its Psychological and Environmental Correspondences
D. W. Sutton
Downloadable PDF eBook
Having constructed the natal horoscope, a map of the heavens that locates the zodiac signs and planets at the birth time and date as viewed from the birthplace, the question arises ‘what does it all mean?’
What is this map really all about and what do the planets, zodiac signs, houses and aspects really indicate?
The function of this book is to answer and explain these questions.
Primarily the birth chart is a map of the unconscious mind or astral body of the person then born. The unconscious mind holds within its organization all the experiences and states of consciousness that the soul has had up to the time of its human birth and these states of consciousness form the character. The astral body is a form built by mental and emotional states; and the birth chart, which is a map of these mental and emotional states, conveys to the student of astrology precise information regarding these mental factors and their relations one to the other and how they affect the abilities and character, and therefore the destiny.
This book is a PDF eBook and is distributed via a download link in your email receipt.
Blending Astrology, Numerology & the Tarot
Doris Chase Doane
The grand dame of astrology, as she was dubbed in a Life magazine article, has put together a tasty repast with all the right ingredients.
In her deft filigree combination of the three the reader soon realizes the close interrelationship of these three subjects ... and in doing so will greatly improve their ability to interpret card readings and the hidden influence of names and numbers.
Here is an up-to-date book containing an easy and enlightening approach to getting the most out of reading tarot cards.
14 diiferent spreads using keywords to give a smooth, informative interpretation for every card in the tarot deck.
This book is filled with information, a great reference book.
This book is an essential tool for those who want to learn to read the cards of The Brotherhood of Light Deck in spreads.
Stellar Treatment works on the principle that each one of us functions in two environments: our physical body lives on the physical or outer plane and our soul or thought-built structure operates on the astral or inner plane. The word astral means “pertaining to a star,” and one’s astrological chart is a map of one’s soul structure or astral body.
The Hermetic Axiom, “As Above, So Below” infers that the structures of the physical body are a reflection of the soul structures as mapped in the chart of birth. A careful analysis of the birth chart can reveal the discords in the soul and help ascertain the physical diseases towards which one is predisposed.
This classic book, first published in 1945, describes how habitual thinking, as mapped by the natal chart and reinforced by progressed aspects, influences the endocrine system, and thus the rest of the physical body. By applying the suggested Thought-Cell Treatments, one can work on healing the inner causes of disease.
How to judge the winners of contests, sporting events, debates, elections, etc. Using Horary Charts to show the importance of timing and the wording of questions, the casting and delination of the charts are explained in detail.
About the Author:
Doris Chase Doane set the foundations of astrological accuracy with her Times Changes for the USA (1966) and Time Changes for Canada and Mexico (1968). She left behind over 30 books ranging from Horoscopes of the US Presidents (1952) to Life’s Astrological Assistance (2004), and many, many articles related to astrology and the Brotherhood of Light teachings.
She became involved with the Church of Light in 1941, working there and through study became a Hermetician. In 1943, she attended UCLA and majored in psychology and sociology, discovering her facility with writing. She met Edward Doane, whom she married in 1944. She and her husband worked at the Church of Light Headquarters, providing service through teaching, research, grading papers, processing orders, and overseeing printing production. Their support at the Headquarters allowed Elbert Benjamine (CCZain) the freedom to tour the country in the post-war II promotion of Brotherhood of Light teachings. She also served on the Board of Directors of the Church of Light and became president of the AFA in 1979 and served in this capacity until 2004.
The Decanates - Background and Data Update for CS 10-1
by Dennis Sutton
This PDF ebook by D. W. Sutton is Volume 1 on the Decanates.
It provides fascinating background on the example charts used by C. C. Zain in his description of the 36 Decanates in the first two chapters of Course 10-1 Natal Astrology: Delineating the Horoscope.
Mr. Sutton then provides updated charts using more modern data along with additional commentary.
This is an important resource for those studying the BofL Lessons as well as general students of astrology.
The descriptions of those born in the 36 decantes, or 10-degree sections of each zodiacal sign, provide invaluable insight into personality, character and destiny when used as part of a natal chart delineation.
Be sure to check out the subsequent book by D. W. Sutton entitled "Hermetic Astrology: The Decanates - A User's Guide".
It has completely new example charts and analysis - charts for five notable people for each decanate!
In 1924 the question was asked ‘why don’t we investigate birthcharts and find out why people do what they do?’ and thirty years later astrology had been transformed from a superstitious belief system into an evidence-based science supported by fact, after fact, after fact. These facts – representing the science of astrology – provide Hermetic Astrology with a scientific foundation and you with a sense of security and confidence.
But today, 90 years after that question set the astrology revolution in motion, too much astrology is unsubstantiated theory and if you’re a serious student of astrology you can’t afford to use teachings and practices that are not verified by evidence-based statistical research.
Now, for the first time, all these facts have been assembled into a single volume that allows students quick and easy access to all the currently known facts of astrology.
With Statistical Analysis of Three Thousand Birth Charts and Thirty Vocations
By Elbert Benjamine
(aka C. C. Zain)
One of life’s great challenges is choosing a career through which the individual can find both personal satisfaction and prosperity. Astrological vocational selection involves identifying the natural aptitudes outlined in the chart of birth, and expressing them through those areas of the chart that map the most favorable environments.
Using 30 of the most popular vocations, Elbert Benjamine analyzed 3,000 birth charts to determine the astrological constants operating for vocational selection. When combined with an understanding of your accumulated life experiences and the opportunities available through your environment, astrological vocational selection is an excellent way to develop your soul’s natural aptitudes, contribute better to Universal Welfare, and fulfill your role in God’s Great Plan.
Positive Benefits of Astrology
Doris Chase Doane
This is a great bedside book.
In it you will learn many secrets for attracting a happier, more successful and spiritual life.
Any neophyte on the pathway will recognize the great benefit of the self-help suggestions within these pages.
Some of the interesting topics you will find include: the accident syndrome, the youthful outlook, what degree is your temper, finding friends in your horoscope and demonstrating your heart’s desire.
Progressed Aspects of Standard Astrology is a great companion book to both Body Disease and Its Stellar Treatment and When and What Events Will Happen.
Although most Church of Light students have the advantage of the Horoscope computer program for calculating progressions, this volume is helpful for the motivated learner, who is eager to grasp the methods of calculating progressed aspects. By mapping the reinforcements made to major progressions by minor progressions the student and professional astrologer are better equipped to predict the timing of events.
Also included in this volume are Thought-Cell Treatments to help avoid accidents, heart trouble, nervous breakdowns and more.
First published in 1942, this is an excellent companion book to Body Disease and Its Stellar Treatment.
The Hermetic System of Astrology offers insights as to how astrology operates through an interrelationship between the astral and physical planes.
This Astro-Physical Matrix of the soul allows for healing to manifest through inner and outer plane treatments. While Body Disease and Its Stellar Treatment addresses the application of mental diet to heal the thought-built structures of the soul, Stellar Dietetics uses astrological diagnostics as a means of discovering what foods and nutrients are needed to heal the physical body.
With Statistical Analysis of 2000 Charts Progressed to Time of Events
By Elbert Benjamine (aka C. C. Zain)
Students and members of The Church of Light, under the direction of Elbert Benjamine, correlated events with progressed aspects. The conclusions were based upon data from 2000 birth charts.
Topics covered in this eBbook are:
The Five Steps in Event Appraisal
Important Knowledge Gained from Progressed Aspects of Twins
Facts Influencing Specific Events
Progressed Constants and Analysis of Twenty Different Events