Global events forecast:
July 16 – August 14, 2015
DW Sutton
The Cancer new-Moon occurs July 16, 2015 at 1.24.21am UT and a country's lunation chart provides a forecast model of events for the period July 16 to August 14, 2015. The Sun-Moon lunation is conjunction (prominence) Mars — planet of strife, war, conflict, violence,military maneuvers, guns, bombs, fires and accidents; trine (luck) Saturn — planet of security issues, safety measures, austerity, long-range planning, economy, caution, fear and destructive weather events; square (obstacle) Uranus — planet of extremism, social unrest, radicalization, radical politics, protests, revolutions and startling change; sesquisquare (agitation) Neptune — planet of oil, gas, drugs, deception, fraud, pie in the sky schemes and the aviation and pharmaceutical industries; and opposition (separation) Pluto — planet of insidious evil, coercion, splits, disunity, kidnapping, crime, groups, gangs and monsters. The lunation-Mars-Uranus-Pluto T-square marks for strife, war, conflict, gun violence, radical extremism, terror attacks and social unrest.
Washington lunation chart — July 15, 2015 at 9.24.21pm EDT
In the Washington chart the lunation, Mercury and Mars are in house 6 — labor, work, public servants, police, sickness, drugs and chemicals. Mercury marks for controversy with some house 6 matter and Mars stands for strife and conflict. Saturn in house 9 marks for a conservative trend to law making, a trade slowdown and problems for tourism; and Uranus in house 2 marks for a sudden and unexpected financial dilemma. Neptune in house 1 puts the American people in a vague, dreamy mood that encourages deception and confusion; and Pluto in house 12 marks for a crime wave, terrorist activity, undercover operations by the FBI and CIA, secret negotiations and drastic measures to deal with refugees.
Aquarian Age chart update
Progressed Moon is parallel (intensity) progressed Uranus > peak date is December 31, 2015. Uranus rules the radical element, radicalization, extremists, social unrest, strikes, demonstrations, revolutions, sudden change, sensational developments, reform, freedom and liberty. It stimulates progressed Sun square (obstacle) birthchart Uranus > peak power and discord date is December 1, 2015. This aspect marks for radical political change, freedom and equal rights, uprisings, social/political unrest and radicalization via social media. Lightning fast moves by rogue leaders cause international shock waves.
And progressed Moon is trine (luck) birthchart Saturn > end date is August 6. Saturn stands for security, safety issues, conservatism, debt, loss, unemployment, disease, hardship and widespread fear and anxiety. This aspect stimulates progressed Venus conjunction progressed Saturn. The social problems caused by austerity, debt, unemployment and disease are the key issues.
Cycle chart update
In the Pluto cycle Pluto moves to form a sextile (opportunity) aspect with Pluto on August 6. The aspect never peaks and ends on November 11. And on August 22 Pluto is semisextile Mercury in the Pluto cycle. Pluto is the planet of terror groups, drastic developments, insidious evil, and crime. He causes disunity and splits and his henchmen are employing television and social media to globalize terror, fear, death and brutality.
No aspects are formed in the Neptune and Uranus cycles.
In the Saturn cycle Saturn is parallel (intensity) Moon — end date is October 12; sextile (opportunity) Neptune — end date is September 10; parallel (intensity) Venus > end date is August 15; and square (obstacle) Sun > end date is August 21
There are no aspects formed in the Jupiter cycle
There are 9 aspects formed in the Mars cycle. Events will occur 36 hours before or after the aspect's peak date. Events mapped by Sun aspects in the Sun cycle will occur on the date indicated.
Global events forecast July 16 – August 14, 2015
Progressed Moon is parallel (intensity) progressed Uranus in the Aquarian Age chart — end date is December 31; and progressed Moon is trine (luck) birthchart Saturn — end date is August 14. See Aquarian Age chart for event forecasts.
Saturn is parallel Moon in Saturn cycle — loss for the everyday people, hardship for the suffering civilians, poverty and unemployment, austerity, public health problems, scarcity, falling food prices, grief and despair, food shortages; destructive weather events and natural disasters > end date is August 21
Saturn is sextile Neptune in Saturn cycle — practical schemes to deal with asylum seekers and refugee; employment/debt repayment schemes; idealistic economizing; airline security; reality-fantasy; cheap drugs > end date is September 10
Saturn is parallel Venus in Saturn cycle — stimulates progressed Venus conjunction progressed Saturn in the Aquarian Age chart and highlights the social problems caused by poverty, unemployment, austerity, disease and natural disasters > end date is August 15
Saturn is square Sun in Saturn cycle — conservative politics puts the break on progress; incompetent leadership; a fall from grace; a political leader is ousted; shame and despair; an air of doom and gloom; natural disasters > end date is August 21
Mars is square Uranus in the sky — extremist violence; radicalization; car bombings; destruction of ancient artifacts; social unrest; violent demonstrations; train crashes; accidents and fires > peak date is July 25
July 15/16: Mars is square Uranus and opposition Pluto in the Mars cycle and Mars is opposition Pluto in the sky — the most dangerous three days since the new Mars cycle commenced on February 21, 2015. Multiple terror attacks, extremist violence; horrific brutality; war; uprisings; aggressive propaganda; racial violence; police shootings; violent unrest; violent crime; gang fights; a mass shooting; social unrest; violent demonstrations; accidents; plane crashes; train crashes; fires
Sun parallel Pluto in Sun cycle starts — strong stimulation to Pluto signs for terror attacks; insidious violence; groups; unity or disunity; coercive control; compulsory measures > peak date is July 21
July 18: Mars is semisextile Jupiter in Mars cycle — guns for God; brutal religious teachings; aggressive religious moves; strife for a religious leader; aggressive financial moves; financial disputes; trade disputes; shipping accidents; fires
July 20: Sun is sesquisquare Mercury in Sun cycle — controversy, talk and debate
July 21: Mars is sesquisquare Sun in Mars cycle — strong stimulation to Mars and Sun marks for escalating violence; war and politics; political rows; guns and politics; aggressive action by a world leader; a political assassination; accidents and fires
Sun is parallel Pluto in Sun cycle — see July 15/16 for event forecast
July 23: Mars is sesquisquare Saturn in Mars cycle — war fears; heavy losses in the fighting; run, gun!; anger and despair; tragedy and grief; disease and suffering; destructive weather events; natural disasters; shootings; accidents and fires
Sun parallel Saturn in Sun cycle starts — strong stimulation to Saturn > the Greek debt crisis; austerity; economizing; hardship; poverty; disease; destructive weather events
July 25: Mars is square Uranus in the sky — see event forecast at start of report
July 27: Mars is sesquisquare Neptune in Mars cycle — the fighting escalates; chemical weapons; strife for the aviation industry; airline disputes; chemical/oil fires; the war on drugs; police deception; drug busts; violent illusions; plane crashes; accidents; fires
July 28: Sun is trine Saturn and parallel Saturn in Sun cycle — see July 23 for event forecast
July 29: Jupiter in the sky moves to within one degree of Saturn — the Greek financial-debt crisis; financial problems for banks; a shortage of money; a business slowdown; restrained spending; austerity; hardship and suffering; trying financial times > peak date is August 3
Sun parallel Jupiter in Sun cycle starts — stimulates Jupiter agenda and focuses on finances, religion, trade and man-made laws > peak date is August 2
July 31: Jupiter in the sky moves to within one degree of Pluto — drastic financial developments; the Greek debt crisis; financial coercion/corruption; splits and disunity; evil done in the name of religion; divisive law-making > peak date is August 4
Sun is inconjunct Neptune in Sun cycle — a day of drama, drugs and deception
August 2: Sun is parallel Jupiter in Sun cycle — see July 29 for event forecast
August 3: Jupiter is square Saturn in the sky > see event forecast July 29
August 4: Jupiter is sesquisquare Pluto in the sky > see event forecast July 31
August 5: Mars parallel Pluto in Mars cycle starts — terror attacks; violent brutality; mass shootings; gang violence; harsh coercion; kidnappings; police behaving badly; extremist propaganda; fighting for unity; accidents and fires > peak date is August 13
Sun is conjunction Jupiter in Sun cycle — stimulates Jupiter agenda and Jupiter square Saturn and sesquisquare Pluto in the sky
August 6: Progressed Moon trine birthchart Saturn in the Aquarian Age chart ends
August 8: Sun is inconjunct Pluto and square Uranus in Sun cycle — terror attacks; disunity and splits; extremism; social unrest, demonstrations
August 10: Mars is trine Venus in Mars cycle — war and peace; women warriors; girls with guns; attacks on women; rape; fighting social violence; violence at a social event; accidents and fires
August 11: Mars is trine Mars in Mars cycle — strong stimulation to Mars marks for escalating violence; war; conflict; military moves; aggressive policing; arguments; disputes; shootings; accidents and fires
August 13: Mars is parallel Pluto in Mars cycle > see August 5 for event forecast
Mars is inconjunct Sun in Mars cycle — aggressive action by political leaders, political strife, war and politics; political rows; the fighting escalates; strife; accidents and fires
Copyright DW Sutton, 2015. All rights reserved.