The Brotherhood of Light Teachings Come to Earth
A tribute to Elbert Benjamine’s extraordinary achievement
by DW Sutton
Author’s note:
2014 commemorates the centenary of the commencement of the writing of The Brotherhood of Light lessons by Elbert Benjamine. To be precise Elbert commenced the great project on March 21, 1914.
He had given his promise to write the lessons in the spring of 1910 and it came to pass, but not right away and not without tremendous effort. The final revisions were made in 1949 and that year every course was available in book form for the first time. The project had taken 35 years and due to his commitment and non-stop effort The Brotherhood of Light teachings are here on Earth. It remains the most important event in Brotherhood of Light history.
Elbert wrote The Brotherhood of Light lessons under the pen name CC Zain and his edifice of occult knowledge is up there as one of the top 5 greatest intellectual achievements of all time. He provided a revolution in astrological information – systemized occult science – and made it available to you as a self-education resource.
In bringing The Brotherhood of Light teachings to Earth Elbert Benjamine gave his life, his money and his unswerving loyalty to a mighty spiritual enterprise. He pushed himself to higher levels of achievement so that you could live your life and move forward safe in the knowledge that the light of spiritual truth is guiding your journey.
You may not be all that familiar with the Brotherhood’s teachings and chances are you’re very well educated and academically qualified, but when you start to read Elbert Benjamine you’ll realize that your education has just begun. And it’s not long before you realize that he’s going to tell you something that you had never thought about before. In The Brotherhood of Light lessons Elbert provides breath-taking information that will change the way you think about yourself and your life.
But comprehending complex esoteric information isn’t easy and Elbert had a revolutionary intelligence that could comprehend the most profound and abstruse information and most of us don’t have his mental capacity. So we struggle to make sense of the words he wrote driven by the expectation that the spiritual truths they contain will, one day, inspire us to fly. You need wings to fly and in the 21st century there are too many institutions and organized groups with wrong ideas and false philosophies that are trying to clip your wings. So you need Elbert’s words to light your way.
The Brotherhood of Light teachings have only been on Earth for a short time. Most people don’t even know they exist and they’re very damaging for materialistic science and orthodox religion. Each has a vested interest in making sure they remain obscure and out of sight. But they’re here and that’s the most important thing.
Reference sources are identified throughout the text. They are: The Church of Light Quarterly (1933 to 1951), the current Brotherhood of Light lessons and the original versions, The Brotherhood of Light Annuals (1920 to 1932), promotional material written by Elbert and the magazines in which his articles appeared, including The Rising Star, in the 1930s and 40s. My sincere thanks go to David S Braumann for his assistance throughout the book's preparation and writing.
This book is for members of the Church of Light now and in the future. If you are a member of the Church of Light, you are a disciple of The Religion of the Stars, and I sincerely hope that The Brotherhood of Light Teachings Come to Earth allows you to develop a deep appreciation of the man who is rightly called – The Light of Spiritual Truth.
Few men and women are prepared to explore the unknown but thank God for those who do.
And thank you – Elbert Benjamine.
Dennis Sutton
January 2014
Part One: A tribute to Elbert Benjamine’s extraordinary achievement
Part Two: Books and Chapters in Detail
Part Three: Articles and Books to Supplement the Lessons
Copyright © 2014 by Dennis Sutton
All rights reserved
No part of this publication may be reproduced or redistributed in any form without prior written permission of the publisher.
ISBN: 1-876517-17-4