The Brotherhood of Light Teachings Come to Earth
A tribute to Elbert Benjamine’s extraordinary achievement
by DW Sutton
Part Three: Articles and Books to Supplement the Lessons
Articles, Books and Supplements:
Astrological Research Department Annual Quarterly The Church of Light Incorporates The Quarterly from 1933 to 1951 The Occult Digest and The National Astrological Journal The Golden Age of Astrology in America The Hermetic System of Astrology The Rising Star Reference Books Astrological Lore of all Ages Chart Calculator and Dial Your Horoscope Aspectograph The Astrodyne Manual
By December 1931 Elbert Benjamine had written 157 of The Brotherhood of Light lessons and in The Brotherhood of Light Quarterly he explained that
everything treated in the already published lessons and everything to be mentioned in the 53 lessons yet to be issued has some influence upon human life. In fact, the purpose of these lessons and courses is to furnish as comprehensive information as possible about the various forces and intelligences that affect the trend of an individual’s destiny.
But to furnish information on all the various influences that bear upon human life, and how these influences operate, is not the chief end towards which we work. This is merely the foundation upon which we build. From lesson No. 1, all the way through to lesson No. 210 our explanation of influences and how they affect human life is but the preliminary study that enables us to point out how you can avoid being influenced in ways that are undesirable to you, and how you can utilize other objects, forces and intelligences to make your life what you want it to be.
He then explained that The Brotherhood of Light Astrological Research Department was endeavoring to discover as many astrological facts as possible because ‘by understanding these facts we expect to be able to show you how to have the things you desire. Whether it is an astrological progression, a physical influence, or any other condition – internal or external – if it seems undesirable, our concern is to find out what can be done to change it.’
For Elbert the lessons were the ‘foundation on which we build’ and as scientific investigative research advanced the astrological knowledge-base he wrote articles and books to supplement the lessons.
The Brotherhood of Light Annual was first issued in January 1920. It was issued annually until March 1932 and each issue consisted of a single article, written by Elbert, which focused on a recent discovery of material science that ‘shed new light on astrology and occultism.’ The first Annual was a 6 page manuscript entitled – Clouds Dispelled from Popular Customs – in which Elbert explained that our present day holidays without exception have been derived from a more universal religion, a religion based not on theory, but upon observed facts: The Religion of the Stars.’ In the article he reveals the astrology behind 21 popular holidays and refers the reader to 10 Brotherhood of Light Courses that were currently available, which provide ‘a vast amount of other occult information.’
In the 1921 Annual Elbert made A Prophecy for the Aquarian Age. He wrote: ‘The Aquarian Age began when the Sun, by transit, entered the sign Aquarius: 8.56.24pm GMT, January 19, 1881.’ This is amazingly accurate data as the current (2014) computer calculated time is 8.56.32pm UT (GMT). In a follow up article in the June 1928 issue of The Brotherhood of Light Quarterly Elbert wrote:
It remains here only to add that each year brings additional evidence that we are now in the Aquarian Age; for the many developments, that now contribute to our comfort and enable us to maintain our present living standards – electricity, aeroplanes, the automobile, phonograph, moving picture and radio – are all ruled by Aquarius.
The 1921 article, which was written 40 years after the Aquarian Age commenced, was later revised and rewritten and made available as an independent Quarterly Article. And in 1944 was incorporated into Chapter 7 of Astrological Lore of all Ages.
In the 1922 Annual Elbert, in a manuscript entitled Evolution and the Fourth Dimension, explains evolution as seen through the eyes of material science and the part played by inner-plane forces operating from the fourth dimension in what eventuates. He explained that inner-plane astrological currents ‘are as effective in directing the energies of living things, including man, as were the swift moving streams to develop a vertebrate form of life when mountain chains were elevated and the areas of the seas were reduced.’ He also refers to Einstein’s Theory of Relativity which ‘has given us a much clearer conception of inner-plane conditions.’ And on a similar wavelength his article in 1923 was entitled Electronic Reactions and Occultism. It later spawned a separate article: Einstein and Occultism.
The short manuscript that Elbert wrote for the January 1924 Annual was entitled Evolution in a Nutshell. It was a commentary on evolution as seen through the eyes of material science and its occult implications as seen through the eyes of the occultist. The time frames stated in the article have since been revised. These early comments on evolution provided a foundation for Course 12-1 – The Evolution of Life.
Elbert’s subject matter in the 1925 Annual was Our Endocrine Glands. The article’s focus was the latest findings on the glands that comprise the endocrine system. Elbert had already linked the functionality of a gland with the thoughts and feelings and stated that ‘mental and emotional states are far more powerful than planetary energies to influence the life.’ This manuscript was later revised as The Mental Attitude for the Control of Each Endocrine. It provided a foundation for Course 21 – Personal Alchemy – that was first published in 1933.
In 1926 Elbert’s discussion topic was The Millikan Ray. Robert A Millikan was an American experimental physicist who won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1923 for his measurement of the elementary electrical charge and for his work on the photoelectric effect. Elbert’s interest in the Millikan Ray was its penetrative power and the fact that it could not be seen or heard. It was not known to science till November 9, 1925.
Elbert’s topic for the 1927 Annual was Our Invisible Environment. Its chief focus was the astral world and its influence. The article considered invisible (astral) entities; planetary energies; the radiations of objects; the influence of thoughts; and Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.
In 1928 Elbert turned his attention to Vibratory Influences. His article was a comprehensive discussion on invisible rays and their vibratory influence. The Millikan Ray and planetary rays received considerable mention. Elbert explained that Dr. Millikan ‘has now established that these rays penetrate 190 feet of water, or about 16.7 feet of lead before they become absorbed.’ And that ‘this is much greater penetrative power than first experiments indicated.’ The article, like its predecessors, considered the latest discoveries by material science and their occult implications.
In 1929 the Annual celebrated its tenth year of publication and Elbert made it a special event. That’s when he first published the Spiritual Texts of Astrology – the spiritual and ethical teachings associated by the ancients with each of the 48 constellations. The information product that is available in Course 7 – Spiritual Astrology – was the result of 10 years’ work and it’s one of Elbert’s greatest achievements.
In 1930 Elbert brought everyone up to date with an article entitled Modern Occultism. In it he emphasizes the progressive nature of occultism with its focus on facts – not theories. Astrology, the environment and the unconscious mind all featured and Elbert explains why new data acquired by a rigorous scientific method will replace much of the old, less critically compiled, occult information.
In 1931 Elbert’s topic was The New Civilization. In it he explains how the new civilization was being built by new energies made available by Aquarius and that these energies can be used to build or destroy. He also considered the important role that mental energies and astrological forces would play in what eventuates.
The focus of the 1932 Annual was Occultism Tomorrow. It was a discussion on cosmic rays and energies, and Elbert proposes the development of a mechanical device that would step down astral wave-lengths into their corresponding etheric octaves. The article also considers the charting of thought-tones, ability and luck and likens progressed aspects to invisible weather conditions – astral storms and sunshine. Some of the material presented in the 1930, 1931 and 1932 Annuals made its way into an article entitled The Coming Civilization (1940), which was later edited and revised to become Chapter 10 of Astrological Lore of all Ages (1944).
The information that Elbert presented in The Brotherhood of Light Annuals provided him with a foundation that he continually revised and built on. It became the foundation for other articles – Astrological Energies and Physical Environment May be Equally Important, The Astrological Quantum of Action and Relativity Makes Calculating Progressed Aspects easier. The Astrological Quantum of Action first appeared in the September 1940 issue of the Quarterly and was later revised as Chapter 9 of Astrological Lore of all Ages (1944).
In March 1927 Elbert issued the first Brotherhood of Light Quarterly. It was published each quarter – in March, June, September and December – and for the next 6 years The Brotherhood of Light Quarterly and Annual provided astrological and occult information to a growing number of Brotherhood of Light members and friends.
The early issues of The Brotherhood of Light Quarterly were single double-sided printed sheets. They were identified by their month of publication and Elbert wrote all the articles. At this time The Brotherhood of Light was a major distributor of astrological and occult literature and Elbert announced the availability of new books in the Quarterly. In June 1931 it expanded into two double-sided printed sheets. In a letter written that year Elbert explained the various services that The Brotherhood of Light was providing its customers. He wrote:
Dear Friend,
As you look over this Brotherhood of Light Quarterly we wish you to recognize that our quarterly publication is but one of the many services we render to all our customers. In these publications, which are sent to all our customers every three months without charge, you will find no padding, but concentrated, worthwhile information on astrology and occultism.
Discoveries in the realm of material science are being made from time to time that shed new light on astrology and occultism. You will find them mentioned and their relation to these subjects lucidly and simply explained in the next issue of our publication following such discovery. And as books of interest along advanced lines are published, these are listed in the Quarterly together with their price. Thus you are apprised of all the good books on astrology and occultism as soon as they are off the press, and as we keep them in stock, you can secure such as you need without delay.
In the Quarterlies we publish The Brotherhood of Light Astrological Reports, which are based on statistical methods applied to a large series of charts. We have outlined for our research department investigations which cover 100 such reports, and no report is considered complete based on less than 100 charts. The Quarterlies also contain B of L Extension work. This work covers each of the seven branches of astrology; two charts being published in horary, medical, or other branches. But always, in association with them will be found a series of thought-provoking questions. These questions and their answers, often based on events yet to happen, are then published in the next issue of the Quarterly. They are designed to instruct and familiarize with the new facts and methods we are discovering from time to time. As these charts, analyses, astrological reports, and predictions are derived from the original investigations of our now quite efficient research department, you will not get this information elsewhere.
This is the age of specialization. Giving individual astrological readings is a valuable service, but it is not our line. We do teach astrology and other occult sciences, and because of specializing in it, we believe we are specially competent in this line. And we carry in stock everything on books and supplies needed by the astrologer or the occult student. We specialize in occult books, lessons and supplies. Consequently we can save you money on many items. Just look at our prices. Whether you need an astrological book, an ephemeris for a certain year, or merely a few blank charts, we shall be glad to have your patronage. And as our customer you will receive, among other services, every three months a new Brotherhood of Light publication.
In late 1932 drastic events in California directly affected The Brotherhood of Light and on November 2, 1932 it was forced to incorporate as The Church of Light. This change had profound implications as The Church of Light was specifically charged with disseminating The Religion of the Stars and Elbert, as its leader, was responsible for transforming astrological knowledge into an Aquarian age religion. The last Brotherhood of Light Annual was issued in March 1932 and the first Church of Light Quarterly was issued in March 1933. And The Church of Light Quarterly from 1933 to 1951 documents how Elbert re-established the Religion of the Stars here on Earth.
He starts out by providing an historical perspective and during 1933-34 presents a series of articles that explain the Religion of the Stars through recorded history. His Quarterly articles at this time were titled: Midsummer Sunrise and the Ancient Rites of Stonehenge; The Aztecs and their Swastika Calendar (September 1933); The Lost Secrets of the Aztec Triskelion Calendar (December 1933); American Indian Blue Eagle Ceremonies (west of the Mississippi) (March 1934); Stellar Religion of Akhenaten (June1934); Posidonius and the Star Lore of Chaldea (September 1934); Itzamna, Great Initiate of the Mayas (December 1934); and The Arkansas Astrological Stone (March 1935).
Mundane Astrology – the charts of nations, the cycle charts and the aspects formed by the planets in the sky – always featured in the Quarterly. Elbert’s December 1936 article – 1937 Progressions in the Charts of the Big Seven – commenced:
For reasons to be explained later, these comments on the progressed aspects in the charts of the Seven Big nations are being printed several weeks before the conjunction of Mars and Neptune on October 25 (1936), which cannot fail to bring a warlike crisis in world affairs.
And concluded:
…if a dictator came into power, such a periodical as this Quarterly, and such knowledge as is issued in The Brotherhood of Light lessons, would be immediately suppressed.
A headline in the December 1938 Quarterly proclaimed: ‘1939, the Year of Agitation’ and in December 1939 Elbert wrote:
Even should it transpire, as seems unlikely, that some temporary peace be established in the near future in Europe, let no one believe the world turmoil will subside before the last of the seven perfect trines of Uranus to Neptune yet to come has been completed on March 11, 1943.
Elbert identified atheistic materialism as the great danger when he wrote:
Atheistic materialism and its doctrine of using intellect and brute force to compel others on the earth to subscribe to soul-denying beliefs, is now on the rampage.
And from 1939 to 1949 Elbert kept The Church of Light membership posted on the astrological events influencing the war in Europe and its aftermath, and their implications for America and the world.
Pluto – the new astrological sensation – was discovered in 1930 and during the 1930s The Brotherhood of Light Astrological Research Department sought to learn as much as it could about The Dark Satellite. And Elbert, who earlier than most detected its sinister and drastic quality, gave it prominent coverage in the Quarterly. He realized that Pluto represented the best and the worst in humanity – the angels and the devils – and that the suffering and misery that the devils were unleashing was one way of destroying goodness, spirituality and God. In 1938 Lower-Pluto’s henchmen launched an unscientific attack on astrology and Elbert responded by announcing a seven year campaign for Astrological Prestige and Legal Recognition that included the regulation of astrology and ‘quack’ astrologers.
Each issue of the Quarterly presented the latest findings of The Brotherhood of Light Astrological Research Department and in March 1938 Elbert announced the commencement of ‘Our New ESP Class’ – The Brotherhood of Light ESP Research Department. His lead articles in the Quarterly throughout 1939 focused on the research that the ESP Research Department was conducting and the various problems associated with gaining information via extrasensory perception that needed to be solved.
The establishment of The Religion of the Stars required clever communication and Elbert used the Quarterly to explain this new, but ancient, religion to his congregation. In June 1939 he wrote:
The Religion of the Stars makes no attack on the orthodox religions. Instead it affords the scientific facts which demonstrate the truth of the spiritual doctrine taught by these religions. In Bible times, as people were illiterate and science had not yet developed, these teachings had to be accepted or rejected on Faith alone. But the Aquarian Age demands Facts. These facts are afforded by The Religion of the Stars. This religion, among other things shows why each and every true and spiritual teaching of the Bible is a Fact, and why it no longer need be accepted on mere faith.
Other articles followed: Astrology is Both a Science and a Religion (September 1939); and the Relation of the Religion of the Stars to Christianity (December 1939.)
By 1940 The Church of Light Quarterly had expanded to 8 pages and the war in Europe and the war on astrology were Elbert’s chief concerns. In March 1940 he announced the commencement of a ‘Campaign to Repel the Invasion of Materialistic Atheism.’ And in June he predicted ‘Worldwide Economic Changes Soon.’ His sensational commentary ‘The Astrological Quantum of Action’ first appeared in the September 1940 Quarterly; and in the same issue he predicted that ‘The Climax of the World Struggle as Affecting the US will come in 1943’ and that ‘The US will attack no nation.’
In 1941 Elbert moved to solve a problem at Church of Light headquarters. New members joining the organization did not have access to previously published Quarterly articles so he revised and reissued the more important manuscripts: ‘Uniform in size with the regular B of L lessons, mimeographed, postpaid, each 25 cents.’
In September 1941 the following Quarterly Articles were available:
- Astrological Significance of Holidays
- A Prophecy for the Aquarian Age
- Evolution and the Fourth Dimension
- The Mental Attitude for Control of each Endocrine Gland
- Stellar Religion and Healing of Akhenaten
- Astrological Energies and Physical Environment may be Equally Important
- The Astrological Quantum of Action
- Relativity Makes Calculating Progressed Aspects Easier
- The Coming Civilization
- Posidonius and Chaldea – Itzamna of Maya – Pre-Incas
- The Astrology of the Aztecs and
- The Stellar Religion of the American Indians
In March 1941 Elbert announced that The Church of Light would start ‘a crusade to inform the general public of the teachings of The Religion of the Stars’ – the ‘Crusade for the New Civilization’ – and his leader-articles in the Quarterly were often crusade talks on The Religion of the Stars.
From 1942 to 1945 World War 2 and the march of atheistic materialism preoccupied Elbert and to counter the political and scholastic dictators he fought back with articles that explained the facts of astrology, the facts of extrasensory perception, the facts of induced emotion and the facts of directed thinking. To name a few: ‘Which is Easier – Clairvoyance or Telepathy?’, ‘You Can Help Build a Humanitarian World’, ‘The Three Ways to Control your Stars’, ‘Astrology Makes Known to Man the Will of God’, ‘The Facts of Extrasensory Perception Afford the Only Safe Foundation for Religious Freedom’ and ‘All Things Exist to Benefit Mankind.’
Elbert’s lead article in the March 1946 Quarterly was entitled ‘Materialism is the Dragon We Must Destroy’; and in the September issue he announced the greatest astrological development since the discovery of the birthchart – a way of measuring astral force – Astrodynes. In the June 1947 Quarterly he recognized the danger posed by the Cold War when he reported on ‘The Drive to Halt Totalitarian Expansion.’ In the September issue he proclaimed ‘The Road Forks Here!’ and in December he explained ‘The Present Threat to Intellectual and Religious Liberty.’ The December 1947-March 1948 Quarterly was a rare double issue.
In 1948 the astrological signs turned dark and dangerous and Elbert responded by presenting a series of articles on The Religion of the Stars, the birthchart and inner-plane energies. In March 1949 he wrote:
The paramount issue today is whether totalitarianism, with its suppression of facts and denying their public discussion, shall rule the world, or whether people throughout the world will under democracy be permitted to learn, and publicly discuss the implications of the facts. The conflict between the United States and Russia (and now other totalitarian states) will never be resolved until this paramount issue is decided.
In September 1949 he wrote:
Russia will not attack the Western Democracies until she is convinced she has the armament that will enable her to win World War 3. The danger of a bombing war in 1949 is past….and if the US and her allies are militarily strong enough there will be no bombing war in June 1950. The hottest Mars inner-plane weather of the whole period of adjustment to the Aquarian Age will be when Mars in its cycle makes the opposition of Mars on June 16, 1950 and the opposition of Sun on June 20, 1950.
Yet even though Russia may not dare attack in June 1950, or even later, the Cold War will continue relentlessly. The peoples of her satellite nations in Europe are not used to such tyranny, injustice, censorship and exploitation as Russia will impose. And they had living conditions better than Russia can provide with her system of removing experts from the head of production and distribution and placing those incompetent, but loyal to the party line in charge. They will cause Russia trouble.’
In April 1951 Elbert issued his final Church of Light Quarterly. His lead article was entitled: The Spiritual Teachings of Astrology. Here’s what he wrote:
In ancient times there were families which, generation after generation, specialized in cultivating what is now know as extrasensory perception. And even as today those who specialize in material science have gained tremendous knowledge of the outer-plane, and how to use physical energies, so those people who specialized in developing extrasensory perception and used it to learn about inner-plane energies and the origin, development and destiny of the human soul, gained great knowledge of such things.
That they might not be lost to future generations – as ordinary language changes rapidly from race to race and from century to century – these ancient wise men recorded their findings in the language of universal symbolism, which anyone, no matter what his race or arbitrary language may be, can with a little study understand. They used the stories of sacred literature, the pictures of the sacred tarot, and designs of the 40 constellations in the sky through which to convey to generations to come, in this language of universal symbolism, the more important things which they discovered.
There is no implication here that their ideas should be accepted just because they recorded them. But because so many of the things they discovered and set forth have been proved through modern scientific research to be accurate, it does seem advisable to test as many of their findings as possible, and to accept those that are found to be factual, and to reject those – if such can be found – that can be disproved.
They held that the soul is differentiated for the purpose of being educated to become a workman in God’s Great Evolutionary Plan, and that to learn how to handle the chemicals of higher forms of life – secretion and assimilation depending upon such selectivity – on the physical plane it first had experiences in the mineral kingdom. Then to gain sensitivity it had experiences in the vegetable kingdom. Experiments by modern scientists prove that plants do react to stimuli in a similar manner, but in less degree, than do animals possessing a nervous system. To develop simple consciousness it had to have experiences in the animal kingdom below man. And to possess self-consciousness, which is essential to effectively understand what is perceived by extrasensory perception, which is the only avenue of acquiring knowledge after life on earth is done, and the possibilities of which are infinitely greater than those of the methods commonly used on earth, it had to be born into human form. And also to be able to effectively use psychokinesis, which is the only avenue of accomplishment after life on earth is done, and the possibilities of which are infinitely greater than those of the methods commonly used in earth, it had to be born in human form.
They held that the soul attached itself to successive evolutionary forms, at the very commencement of their individual development, through the power which has now been thoroughly demonstrated by university scientists, and by them is called psychokinesis. Its experience in one form gave it the know-how to attach itself to, and live in, a form somewhat more complex. At least, the records of the rocks during 1,750,000,000 years prove that life on earth evolved from single-celled forms; and the neurosurgeons have now demonstrated that instead of mind being a function of the brain, the brain is merely an instrument through which mind operates. Their massive amputations of cerebral substance have now proved that no lobe of the cerebrum is essential to mind and memory. And all the evidence – some of which was not discovered by the neurosurgeons until 1950 – indicates that the ancient wise men were right, and that the mind, or soul, can and does function independent of the physical body, and that it is attached to, and functions through, the physical organism through that non-physical power which scientists now term psychokinesis.
This brief résumé of the evolution of the soul, as taught by those who traced the ancient pictured constellations in the sky, is a necessary prelude to their spiritual teachings of astrology. And there certainly is ample room even in the physical cosmos for competent workmen. Extra-galactic nebulae are other universes. In 1949, when Brotherhood of Light Course 12-1 – Evolution of Life – was published, we could report only on the number of such universes as could be observed by the 100 inch telescope on Mt. Wilson – between 50 and 100 million. But now, with the 200 inch telescope on Palomar Mountain, the observable cosmos has been extended. No limit has been found, but it is reported that as many universes other than our own can now be observed as there are people on the earth – about 2 billion. And the physical cosmos is but one level of an infinite number of levels on which life can exist and perform its functions.
In any worthwhile organism or organization there are various cells, organs or individuals which perform different functions. All do not do the same job, but each has its own particular work to do. And it is trained to do this particular work. Specialization, division of labor, and cooperation between parts which perform different functions is the very foundation of a successful business enterprise or a successful biological organism. And it is logical to conclude that the cosmos operates in a somewhat parallel manner.
Thus souls are not differentiated to perform identical functions, but to do special work as cosmic workmen. And their training is such as to fit them to perform the type of work for which they were brought into existence. A soul makes its best progress through cooperating with God’s Great Plan, and striving to assist in its realization. And to do this it needs to use its capacities and energies constructively.
When the astrological currents, which constitute the inner-plane weather, coincide with the thought-cell organization of the soul, each important thought-cell group gains new energy (from these currents) and its psychokinetic power correspondingly increases. This non-physical power, which is capable of moving physical objects and bringing about physical conditions, enables the child to be born at that moment. Thus the astrological positions at the moment of birth are an accurate map of the power of each group of thought-cells, and their organization, within the soul.
As the soul is being trained to perform a given function in the comic scheme, its natural aptitudes when born into human form, and its general characteristics, indicate the schooling it has had in its evolutionary past. And this in turn gives knowledge of the type of ability and characteristics it is being trained to use – on planes and in ways that are beyond human comprehension – in its eternal progression after life on earth is done.
The more powerful a planet is in the birthchart – the more astrodynes it has – the greater the psychokinetic power of the thought-cells thus mapped. And our statistical research has conclusively demonstrated that the most powerful planet in the birthchart – the one with the most astrodynes – indicates the natural aptitudes that can most easily be developed, and that can be developed into the greatest ability. The next most powerful planet in the chart maps the type of natural aptitudes that can be developed next most easily, and into the next greatest ability. Thus the most powerful planet in a chart, quite aside from its harmony or discord, indicates the chief type of ability the soul is being trained to use in the cosmic plan, and the chief type of ability the individual can use while on earth to most benefit both himself and humanity.
In using this type of ability, not only should it be used constructively, but it should be used in association with physical conditions which add to the psychokinetic power of a group of thought-cells which is harmonious, and thus mapped by a planet in the birthchart which has strong harmonious aspects. Luck is not fortuitous. Good breaks and bad breaks are the result of thought-cells in the finer form which are harmonious and thus using their psychokinetic power to bring fortunate events into the life, or of thought-cells in the finer form which are discordant and thus using their psychokinetic power to bring misfortune into the life.
Both the material and spiritual teachings of astrology also give instructions on how to change the desires of the discordant thought-cells so that instead of using their psychokinetic power to bring misfortune they will use it to attract good fortune. The fortunate individual can not only do more for himself, but he can also do more to benefit humanity.
Furthermore, the spiritual teachings of astrology instruct how to best use the characteristics of each sign and planet constructively. It is impossible to divert Mars energies to express Saturn attributes, or to cause Aries characteristics to express in a manner characteristic of Libra. But a destructive Mars energy can easily be diverted into constructive Mars channels, and a destructive Aries characteristic can, with a minimum of effort, be diverted to express a constructive Aries characteristic.
The spiritual teachings of astrology instruct you on how to raise your dominant vibratory rate and thus increase your spirituality. They teach you how to reorganize your thought-cell organization harmoniously, how to choose the special field of information you should seek and how to select the type of know-how you should develop. And they also teach that all thoughts and actions should be constructive and have as their objective universal welfare.’
From 1933 to 1951 – except for the rare double-issues – there were four Church of Light Quarterlies issued each year and Elbert wrote every word and article…except on three occasions. In the June 1939 issue Anne S Benjamine wrote The Law of Life from The Twenty Third Psalm that appeared on the lead page; in the September 1940 issue Mildred Schuler reminded everyone that ‘Response Day Will Soon Be Here Again’; and in September 1941 Mildred’s Response Day reminder was entitled: ‘Shall Truth March On?’
At the start Elbert wrote articles for The Brotherhood of Light Annual and The Brotherhood of Light and Church of Light Quarterly. But during the 1920s a growing public interest in the occult and astrology saw the publication of two specialist magazines – The Occult Digest in 1925 and The National Astrological Journal in 1929. And these magazines gave Elbert the opportunity to reach out and touch a national audience with The Brotherhood of Light teachings.
The Occult Digest – ‘The One Magazine that is Daringly Different’ – was based in Chicago. Its editor and publisher was Effa Danelson. Elbert’s first article – Religious Significance of Queen Spades – appeared in the May 1934 issue. His subsequent contributions include: The Sun’s Pilgrimage Pictured by the Face Cards (June 1934); The Present Crisis Interpreted by the Tarot (July 1934); and World Money Change Foreshown by Tarot Number 10 (August 1934). His December 1934 article was entitled: Occult Significance of Thanksgiving.
His articles in 1935 include: Music as an Agent for Recovery (January 1935); Pluto and the New Deal - 1935 (February 1935); and Composition of the Unconscious Mind (March 1935). In April 1935 he commenced a series on the occult and spiritual side of astrology that coincided with his writing of the new Course 7 – Spiritual Astrology. The articles include: Fire and Brimstone which came Out of the Sky (September 1936); The Promise Made by Santa Claus (October 1936); Why the Crow turned Black (November 1936); The Tree Which Grew in the Garden of Eden (December 1936); The Harp Played by Angels (January 1936); The Eagle Takes a Trip to Heaven (February 1936); and Cyclopes, Past and Present (March 1936). Elbert’s association with The Occult Digest came to an end when his series on spiritual astrology concluded and it merged with the Telepathic Magazine.
Elbert began writing for The National Astrological Journal – Astrology’s Official Magazine – in 1933. He was identified as President of The Church of Light and from 1933 to 1935 he wrote over 20 articles for ‘the most famous astrological journal of the century.’ It now boasts that ‘the most famous names in astrology wrote the best astrological articles ever written for the magazine.’ Elbert’s articles include: The American Holidays (June 1933); The Heavens in Stone – Midsummer Sunrise and the Forgotten Rites of Stonehenge (August 1933); Origin of the Constellations (October 1933); The Aztecs and their Swastika Calendar (November 1933); Lost Secrets of the Aztec Triskelion Calendar (December 1933); and Secret Rituals of the Indians (February 1934).
In March 1934 Elbert commenced a series entitled: A Beginners Lesson in Astronomy. A Monthly Star Map – Guide to the Heavens – accompanied each article and he encouraged astrology students to observe the skies. He wrote: ‘October (1934) skies bring opportunity to study constellation Sagittarius said by astronomers to mark Galactic Center’ and ‘Saturn adorning the evening sky (in November) is now in a fine position for observation with Mars still visible in the morning sky.’ In February 1935 his subject was ‘The Ancient Astrolabe’ and in March he wrote about ‘The Armillary Sphere’ – a ‘crude but ingenious method used in obtaining the first astronomical data.’ In April 1935 he commenced a series entitled ‘A Practical Lesson in Astronomy’ in which he explained eclipses and why there can never be more than seven eclipses in one year.
The 1930s were the Golden Age of Astrology in America. That was when a tidal wave of public interest brought a surge in astrological publications, text books, journals and magazines. In 1936 there were 12 specialist magazines and over 250 newspapers printing articles on astrology and their total circulation exceeded half a million copies. The specialist astrology magazines provided authentic astrological information and the newspapers provided simple daily forecasts based on the month and day of birth. And Elbert, in The Church of Light Quarterly explained:
The space in the Quarterly is too limited to present more than a summary of the very latest findings in astrology and occultism. For greater detail we suggest you read the highly instructive and interesting articles by our Ministers that appear in the following magazines: American Astrology Magazine, Student Astrologer, Today’s Astrology, The Occult Digest, Personal Astrology, Canadian Astrology and World Astrology Magazine.’
Student Astrologer was a very popular magazine. Its managing editor was David Lee Norman who recruited the top astrological writers and built up a huge circulation. In 1937 Norman left Student Astrologer and became the editor of International Astrology Magazine. Its 128 pages were jam-packed with first rate astrological comment. And each of its nine issues had a run of about 200,000 copies.
American Astrology Magazine was established by Paul Clancy in July 1933. It was based in New York and supported the work of many well known astrologers including Elbert Benjamine. Elbert’s sensational 23 part series on ‘The Astrological Significance of each Egyptian Tarot Card’ was first published in American Astrology Magazine from 1936 to 1938. But the magazine that provided Elbert with the most scope of influence was World Astrology Magazine.
Elbert began writing for World Astrology Magazine in 1933. It served up a mix of popular and personal astrology and its popularity provided him with a huge readership. The magazine was very Church of Light friendly and Elbert, as sub-editor, was in charge of the Editorial Department. He wrote many of the editorial comments and in 1937, when a large number of astrological organizations banded together to crusade for Standard Astrology and a minimum requirement of astrological education, Elbert used his position at World Astrology to inform the American public of these important political developments. He denounced quack astrologers, and was at the forefront of the campaign to educate the public about standard astrology and to get astrology courses introduced into schools. And when the scholastic dictators launched their all out attack on astrology in 1938 Elbert, writing in World Astrology Magazine, kept the public informed of the fraudulent methods they were using to undermine astrology.
Elbert’s articles in World Astrology explain the views and methods employed by the Hermetic system of astrology. His series ‘Astrological Factors of Outstanding Lives’ appeared in this magazine. Each article focused on a well known personality and explained how their lives unfolded in accordance with the progressions in their charts. Elbert wrote over 50 articles in this series and through them he grounded astrology in the lives of real people. Those whose lives he astrologically examined include: Winston Churchill, Walt Disney, Judy Garland, J Edgar Hoover, Jesse James, Louis Pasteur, Franklin D Roosevelt, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, Douglas Fairbanks, Abraham Lincoln and Huey P Long. Later, many of these personalities, with the important events in their lives matched with their astrological markers, appeared as example study charts in The Brotherhood of Light lessons.
In March 1938 Elbert explained: ‘Probably the most outstanding astrological need of the present day, now that people have become astrologically minded, is just what to do under given birthchart and progressed positions.’ And he responded by writing a series of articles in Today’s Astrology entitled ‘How to Handle Your Aspects.’
It would be remiss not to mention that in the 1930s, when the call came to demonstrate and explain The Hermetic System of Astrology to the American public, Elbert was supported in this mighty quest by over twenty Church of Light teachers and ministers.
Lenora Conwell – ordained minister in charge of the Hollywood Church of Light Center – wrote for Student Astrologer, American Journal of Astrology, Personal Astrology and World Astrology Magazine. Her articles on natal astrology, the planets, the decanates, the astrology of events – progressions – and astrological vocational selection covered almost every aspect of astrology. She presented a ‘Research Digest’ in World Astrology and was a member of the magazine’s teachers’ advisory board. Next to Elbert Benjamine she was the most prolific writer on Hermetic astrology.
Edward Doane – ordained minister in Miami, Florida – wrote articles for The Occult Digest and American Journal of Astrology. In 1937 he conducted the ‘Health Department’ in American Astrology Magazine. Maria Major – ordained minister in Los Angeles, California – wrote for Student Astrologer, World Astrology and International Astrology Magazine. She wrote articles on the health aspects of the planets and mundane articles on ‘Coming Events for the Month.’ Her series ‘Astro Analysis of Notable Lives’ grounded Hermetic astrology in the lives of real people. Dr. Howard Polk – Hermetician in Boulder, Colorado – wrote for World Astrology Magazine. His sensational series ‘Astrology – The Key to Better Health’ appeared in World Astrology. Fred Ward – ordained minister in England – wrote articles on the tarot cards, zodiac signs and planets for various magazines. And Edwin E Brown – teacher in South Bend, Indiana – wrote articles on Astrology’s Relation to Health and Disease for Student Astrologer.
Other Church of Light members who helped spread the Hermetic viewpoint include Mrs. Crawford Alexander – teacher, West Palm Beach, Florida; Haidee U Brooks – ordained minister in East St Louis, Illinois; Anne and Will Benjamine – ordained ministers in Los Angeles; Anna V Moore – ordained minister in Los Angeles; Fern L Crain – ordained minister in Pasadena (Los Angeles); Cliff Barclay – ordained minister in Toronto, Canada; and WH Spears – ordained minister in San Antonio, Texas.
American Astrology Magazine, Student Astrologer, Today’s Astrology, Personal Astrology, Canadian Astrology and World Astrology Magazine contributed markedly to the spread of astrology. And they allowed Elbert Benjamine and other Church of Light writers to reach a wide readership with their treatment of astrology from the Hermetic viewpoint.
In January 1938 Mildred Schuler published The Rising Star. It was ‘Authorized by the Church Of Light’ and devoted to The Hermetic System of Astrology and The Brotherhood of Light teachings. It contained no Solar Astrology, no popular Daily Guides, no ultra-popular features, no mixture of theories and systems and was only available by subscription. It was a monthly publication and Elbert Benjamine wrote three or four articles for each issue, although in 1982 Mildred, the magazine’s editor, revealed that for ten years Elbert ‘wrote the lion’s share of the articles under different names.’
The Rising Star gave Elbert the opportunity to educate the Church of Light membership about astrology. His mundane articles provided a daily forecast of upcoming events, his research reports presented the latest findings by all The Brotherhood of Light research departments and his ‘Message from the President’ allowed him to talk directly to Church of Light members. In 1940 The Rising Star published his research work on the case history studies of identical and astrological twins and in 1946 it published the series in which he and Bill Drake explained and demonstrated the Astrodynes.
The Church of Light Quarterly promoted The Rising Star:
In The Rising Star is published the only monthly forecast of probable events from Church of Light headquarters. From five to seven definite predictions are given for each month, with the date on which each indicated event may be expected to occur. In each issue are competent and interesting articles on each of the four orders of facts essential to the New Civilization; astrology, extrasensory perception, induced emotion and directed thinking.
In the January 1944 issue Elbert responded to accusations of war-mongering:
For several years before the outbreak of World War 2 the Church of Light warned that it was on the way unless specific precautionary actions were taken. More than a year before Pearl Harbor we warned – and were called war-mongers for our effort to avert catastrophe – that the Japanese would make a surprise attack on the US and suggested the utmost vigilance.
We encouraged preparation to resist aggression, and we have encouraged every step necessary to win the United Nations victory in the shortest possible time. But with that victory now assured, we should be remiss in our obligation to society if we failed to point out that unless adequate precautionary actions are taken, the period immediately following the end of the war will be one of vast social unrest and turmoil. And we should be even more remiss if we failed to do our utmost to get over to the public just what precautionary actions must be taken if the world, including our own country, is to avoid the strife and chaotic conditions otherwise indicated for the next six years by the new Neptune cycle and the heavy afflictions to Neptune in the Sun Cycle until 1950.
Whether for better or worse, neither these United States nor the world is going back to the conditions that prevailed before the war. The people are going to demand something much different and they are going to get it. The astrological pressure in this direction is too strong to be thwarted. What they get, however, and how much they must pay for it in suffering, are not made inevitable by astrological pressures, but will be determined largely by the intelligence with which people choose their objectives and their ability to cooperate in attaining them. Let no one be fooled; those who are determined to gain and maintain special privileges and unjust selfish advantages will resort to every slick and cunning devise. Inversive propaganda will be the order of the day.
We are starting the year 1944, therefore, by pointing out to all Stellarians that we have a tremendous job to do. Ours is the job of disseminating the information and arousing the enthusiasm that not only will enable each individual to live his life more satisfactorily, but will point the true path to a new and better civilization. To live a high type of life people must be given a clear conception of specialization of parts and division of labor, and be enthused with the desire to use them cooperatively for the welfare of all mankind. Such conceptions and clear understanding are possible only through knowledge of the facts of astrology; and both the enthusiasm to cooperate and the attainment of truly successful living require the intelligent use of both induced emotion and directed thinking. As we, who understand The Religion of the Stars, are the possessors of such information in adequate degree we have the responsibility of giving this information to the world. It is up to us…. People must be given the facts, they must be induced to abandon narrow selfishness, and they must be induced to cooperate intelligently for the welfare of all.
And in the same issue he expressed his personal views on teaching astrology and astrological magazines including The Rising Star. He wrote:
My personal viewpoint is that the legitimate function of an astrological magazine is to interest people in astrology, to teach astrology, to assist people by astrology, to entertain, and to present controversial material which through argument points out the weaknesses of certain methods and the strength of others, and thus encourages investigation of ideas as yet not widely accepted by astrologers.
It is the object of The Rising Star, for example, to interest people in astrology, to teach people astrology, and within restricted limits to assist people through astrology. This assistance is not given by publishing advice based upon the zodiacal degree occupied by the Sun on their birthday, but through presenting the probable national and world trends during definite periods in the future to enable them to take such precautionary actions as will enable them and their friends to gain certain benefits, and which in particular will enable them to know what precautionary actions they should get people to take to insure a better civilization.
It may seem strange to some that I list entertainment as a legitimate object of an astrological class and a magazine such as The Rising Star. And as an exclusive aim, entertainment should be left to periodicals not engaged in the dissemination of religion. But entertainment, as giving pleasure, may well be mixed, or alternated with the more serious material, to make it less painful for these not inclined to study to learn the dry-as-dust technique of erecting a birthchart and delineating it.
Then there’s the final legitimate function of some astrological magazine to present controversial material. But in my view doubtful material, controversial material, and new and not widely accepted methods have no place in either The Rising Star or Church of Light classes. There are places where people can go to argue about the correctness of some new or different idea, and there are magazines in which they can publish ideas, however bizarre they may be. But Fred Skinner and I decided a long time ago that a classroom where people are learning to erect, read, progress and decide what and when events are likely to happen is not the place.
After an individual has learned the fundamentals and after he has had a few years of practical experience in delineating charts and estimating what and when certain events will happen, he is fully justified in trying out any system that comes along. He will then have sufficient background knowledge of what can be done with the Standard System and can compare the results he obtains with these other methods with what he has been able to do with the Standard System.
But if before he learns one system, he is confronted with other systems and contradictory ideas, he usually becomes confused and ends up by failing to learn any system effectively. And as he lacks experience, he has no satisfactory yardstick with which to determine what results to expect.
Maybe it is Jupiter in my seventh house, maybe it’s because my classes throughout the year have not been those stimulating controversy, but I personally have had almost no difficulty with those who wished to argue various astrological points in class. But the plague of most astrological teachers’ lives is the individual who barges into the class, who has developed his own ideas, who has learned by some slightly different method, or who has positive ideas that a given astrological configuration means something quite different, even the opposite, of what the teacher says it means, and voices his opinions insistently.
The Church of Light has no illusions of infallibility. We have changed our version on certain technical matters from time to time in the past, and as a result of the activity of our three very active Research Department and new discoveries of material science, it is almost certain we will modify certain views in the future.
But we are only going to modify these views after one of our Research Departments has had opportunity, and taken the pains, to test whatever new conceptions we develop or other people present. We definitely are not going to change our views on astrology for instance, in a beginners’ class on astrology because some person not familiar with our work says we should erect the chart in some different order of sequence or because some person with considerable experience shouts out in a class on delineation that he has found the opposite to be invariably true.
The people who come to Church of Light classes and the people who read The Rising Star have a right to expect information which, according to their research as well as ancient tradition, the leaders of The Church of Light have agreed to be the teachings of The Religion of the Stars. In my opinion whatever appears in The Rising Star should be in full accord with present Brotherhood of Light teachings. The presentation of other doctrines would cause the readers of The Rising Star to erroneously believe such doctrines are part of the teachings of The Religion of the Stars.
Controversial points are sure to arise. The science of Astrology is progressive. But the place to air such controversies, and to try to find wherein correctness lies is not in a magazine which is read by those who most often depend on it for all the teachings, other than B of L lessons, they get. The settling of diverse views is a matter for those of experience to decide, and if necessary by the method of statistical analysis.
There are other religions in the world that warrant deep thought, and there are astrological ideas which have not as yet been tested out by the statistical method. What appears in The Rising Star is thus not presented as infallible. But those who read it have a right to conclude that everything published in it is a Brotherhood of Light teaching, and that it is correct in every detail in so far as Church of Light leaders have as yet had opportunity to test it.
The Rising Star provided its readers with the latest, most reliable, astrological and occult information. Its long-term contributors included: Mildred Schuler, Elbert Benjamine, Maria M Benjamine, Rev. Edward Doane, Lenora Conwell, Daisy M Ohler, Katherine I Ristine, HSD Starnaman, Gertrude Hamel, Dr. Louis Long, Joseph J Hall, Enid Shultz and Florence L Fraser. In 1948 when ‘a new press and up-to-the-minute processes permitted high grade illustrations in colors and half-tone photographic reproductions’ Elbert claimed ‘The Rising Star has now attained the superior quality in appearance and presentation that it had already attained in the material it published.’ And in June 1938 when Fred Skinner commented ‘The Rising Star is the biggest thing which has happened to The Church of Light since the completion of the 21 Courses of B of L lessons in 1934’ Elbert wholeheartedly agreed.
Elbert’s chief writing interest was always The Brotherhood of Light lessons, but by December 1944 he had written enough articles and manuscripts to spawn a series of reference books: ‘Written not to compete with, but to supplement, Brotherhood of Light Lessons.’ Much of this reference material was first available as ‘Supplementary Writings – Uniform in size and style with the regular B of L lessons.’ And the December 1944 Quarterly publicized ‘Ten Reference Books by Elbert Benjamine.’
Beginner’s Horoscope Reader was published in 1943. Elbert explained:
The effort has been to present the easiest possible way to learn to judge a horoscope correctly. In addition to explaining the significance of each planet in each sign and house, and the aspects between each two planets, in each instance it tells exactly what should be done to make the life more fortunate.
Beginner’s Horoscope Maker was published in 1943. In September 1943 Elbert explained:
For a long time there has been a demand for a book which should present the easiest possible way to learn to erect a horoscope, and which should include all tables, maps, ephemerides and all else necessary to follow each and every step in example charts worked out for various typical horoscopes. 28 years of teaching astrology classes have gone into this book to present the easiest method of learning to erect a precise birthchart using both a noon and zero hour (midnight) ephemerides. It also contains advanced information on chart-reading.
Stellar Dietetics: The Astrological Road Map to Diet and Health was published in late 1942. Elbert’s short Quarterly promotion read:
Changes in the astrological energies, the type of thinking, or the demands of environment, through increasing or decreasing the activity of certain endocrine glands, changes the chemistry of the body and the food requirements. The special food requirements to meet each situation, including birthchart and progressed afflictions to each of the ten planets, are explained in Stellar Dietetics.
How to select a Vocation: With Statistical Analysis of 3,000 Birthcharts and 30 Vocations was published in late 1942. The book’s promotion in The Church of Light Quarterly explained:
Natural aptitudes and lucky breaks are about equally important. Both are considered in this book, which is not only as reliable as astrological statistics can make it, but aims to completely cover the subject of astrological vocational selection. It presents 18 years of research.
Progressed Aspects of Standard Astrology: The Easy Way to Calculate and Judge was published in December 1942: The book’s promotion in the December 1942 Quarterly announced: ‘A Popular and Completely Reliable Book on Progressed Aspects is Now Available for the New Civilization.’ Elbert explained:
The general predispositions toward those events which later enter your life are mapped in your birthchart. But the predispositions only become actual events at those times when there are progressed aspects to the specific planets which are their constants. An individual does not marry, divorce, have a child, die, lose father or mother, benefit through friends, have important money gains or losses, experience honor or discredit or have a particular disease, except during those limited periods when the progressed aspects are present in his chart that are the constants of the particular event.
These progressed aspects add energy to definite thought-cells within the individual’s finer-form, and the thought-cells given a boost of new energy influence his thoughts and behavior, and exercise extra-physical power from the inner-plane to attract to him, during the period the progressed aspects are operative, the events of which they are the constants.
These inner-plane thought-cells have desires which they strive to realize through events of the physical world. And to the extent they have energy, or gain it from a progressed aspect, they exert pressure upon the external environment, through extra-physical power, which is the same type of power metaphysicians, mental healers of various schools, and those who employ New Thought use to demonstrate some condition they desire in the external world.
Thus it is that each significant event which comes into your life is due to the activity of the thought-cells within your finer-form which at the time are acquiring new energy from some characteristic progressed aspect. The progressed aspects themselves, however, do not map specific events. Instead, they map energy releases of definite types during periods which can be predetermined, which accelerate the thought-cell activity within the finer-form mapped by the planets involved in the aspect. They indicate a predisposition toward events of a certain kind, but those events are not foreordained.
Quite to the contrary, it is found that with the knowledge of the most likely events which the thought-cells will otherwise try to bring to pass when given new energy of a certain progressed aspect it is possible to divert this thought-cell activity into channels which are constructive and much more fortunate than otherwise had been the case. Our interest in determining the most probable events which will be attracted by each progressed aspect is not because such events are inevitable, but to gain the information which will enable the individual to intelligently divert the thought-cell activity, thus given momentum, into channels that will attract events and conditions that are much more fortunate than had no such intelligent effort been made.
Now it is undoubtedly true that there are times when you will need a lawyer, a minister or a professional healer. But to get the most out of life you should know enough about the law and spirituality to only require the support and guidance of a lawyer or minister every now and then; and you should know enough about stellar dietetics to remain healthy without the constant aid of a doctor. And, while ethical and competent astrologers have a valuable function to perform, if you are to get as much out of life as the New Civilization promises you must know how to construct and calculate the progressed aspects in your own chart. And you should know what these progressed aspects signify.
If people only realized how important this personal knowledge is most would not hesitate a day to begin to acquire it. And to do all we can to induce more and more people to benefit their own lives through learning to calculate and judge the progressed aspects in their own charts and through their own better fortune do more to benefit others, we have just issued a new book Progressed Aspects of Standard Astrology: The Easy way to Calculate and Judge.
The inducement is that it simplifies and makes as easy as possible the calculations of progressed aspects, and systematizes the knowledge of the events toward which each progressed aspect predisposes the individual. By presenting a method which reduces and simplifies the work of calculating progressed aspects and a system by which judging the probably events is made both easier and more reliable, it is hoped more people will become familiar with, and benefit by, progressed aspects.
When and What Events Will Happen: With Statistical Analysis of 2,000 Charts Progressed to Time of Events was published in December 1942. The book’s promotion in the December 1942 Quarterly announced: ‘A Popular Book explaining What Precautionary Actions Should be taken under each Progressed Aspect to make its Events more Fortunate is Now Available for the New Civilization.’ Elbert explained:
For people to benefit tremendously from their knowledge of progressed aspects two things are necessary. First, they should know, within as narrow limits as possible, the events, one or more of which is likely to happen during the period dominated by each progressed aspect if no intelligent effort is made to alter it. And the best way to find out what it most likely to happen under a given progressed aspect is to tabulate statistically the more important events which have actually occurred in people’s lives coincident with progressed aspects.
The Church of Light Research Department has been doing this for 18 years using 100 charts progressed to the date of the event. And we have, so far, covered 20 different events. And as these events embrace those ruled by each of the twelve houses of the birthchart, and thus relate to each of the twelve departments of life, they can be considered as representative, and as reliable guides to all other events not specifically analyzed by the statistical method.
Using the statistical analysis of these 2,000 timed birthcharts progressed to the date of some event as the solid foundation; it then becomes possible to carry the five steps in event appraisal into the special details of judging the most likely event that will be attracted under each progressed aspect. Yet it should be understood that this precision in estimating what event will most likely be attracted by each progressed aspect, is but the prelude to the second, more important, step. This is to decide just what precautionary actions should be taken to make the event actually attracted much more beneficial than it otherwise would have been.
The Church of Light has scant interest in what is likely to happen. Its chief interest is in providing knowledge that enables the individual, the group, the nation or the world to prevent disagreeable events or to take advantage of favorable events, and bring to pass in their stead events which are more fortunate. Astrology of itself neither heals the sick nor brings better fortune. But the knowledge supplied by astrology can be used to take actions which will benefit the individual, the group, the nation, or the world. We want people to know and benefit from astrology. Our interest in astrology is motivated by its benefits and to benefit from astrology people must know the best thing to do under each important progressed aspect, and then do it. This vital information pertaining to specific events is given under the heading Precautionary Actions in the book When and What Events will Happen.
It is our belief that mankind can most effectively progress, and that the individual can gain tremendously in spirituality, in happiness and in prosperity, through taking the proper precautionary actions relative to the otherwise probable events and conditions foreshown by astrology. That is we are doing all in our power to interest people in astrology, and to make astrological knowledge easy to acquire and apply. This book aims to provide a complete textbook affording a basis for correct judgment of all events except those involving disease. And it indicates the specific precautionary actions that must be taken to make the events mapped by important progressed aspects more fortunate.
The Influence of the Planet Pluto was published December 1939:
The book’s promotion in The Church of Light Quarterly explained: ‘The Pluto Ephemeris used by astrological students was imported from Germany, but now due to the war it can no longer be had. Seeing students in such a jam, the Aries Press of Chicago commenced printing the positions of Pluto from 1840 to 1960.
The Brotherhood of Light Astrological Research Department, since March 12, 1930, has entered the position of Pluto in several thousand accurately timed birthcharts and studied its influence, and has investigated what happened in many hundred people’s lives when progressed aspects formed to this planet in their charts of birth. And knowing that The Brotherhood of Light Astrological Research Department, during the past ten years, has been conducting an intensive research program relative to Pluto, the Aries Press, before finishing the book, asked Elbert Benjamine to write a short chapter on the influence of Pluto to be included in their publication The influence of the Planet Pluto.
How to Use Modern Ephemerides: Computed for Midnight, Noon, Greenwich and Other Places was published in March 1940. In the book’s promotion Elbert explained:
[This book)] instructs how to employ the different ephemerides for erecting birthcharts, finding Limiting, or Adjusted Calculated Date and finding the time progressed aspects are perfect and the exact time a planet enters a zodiacal sign. It gives an alphabetical list of Moon positions favorable for sixty-two different human activities and a table showing the dates of all solar eclipses and lunar eclipses from 1880 tom 1950.
Always the leader who knew the importance of providing new and useful information Elbert concluded:
Also considerable other information not now contained in astrological textbooks which is of interest and value to astrological students.
Body Disease and Its Stellar Treatment: With Statistical Analysis of 700 Birthcharts progressed to Time of One of Seven Common Diseases was published in 1943. The book’s promotion in the Church of Light Quarterly stated:
This book explains the principles of soul healing, shows the relation between planets, thoughts and endocrine glands, how each birthchart indicates a predisposition toward diseases of a given type, and how progressed aspects show when and what precautionary actions should be taken.
Astrological Lore of All Ages was published in 1944. Elbert explained:
Here is set forth from traditional sources how astrology influenced Egyptians, Pre-Incas, Mayas, Aztecs and American Indians; how it reached Greece; how it now influences our popular customs and holidays; its significance to the Aquarian Age; and about the astrological quantum of action.
The Religion of the Stars has a long history. Tradition traces its beginnings back to Atlantis and Mu – the ancients – but tradition lacks documented evidence and credibility. It involves knowledge, beliefs, customs, myths and legends transmitted verbally from generation to generation. So when Elbert Benjamine promised to reestablish the Religion of the Stars here on Earth its past was shrouded in mystery. And Aquarius – the sign of knowledge – was demanding carefully checked historical facts, not mysterious traditions. And when it came time to provide the devotees of The Religion of the Stars with a history of their religion Elbert explained: ‘tradition should not be neglected, yet in the interest of clear analysis it should thus be labeled, and not confused with recorded fact.’
In the June 1934 Quarterly in an article entitled Stellar Religion of Akhenaten Elbert wrote:
Tradition has it that when the darkness settled over Atlantis and Mu colonists were sent to what later became the seven centers of ancient civilization, and took with them records having to do with the ancient stellar religion.
The seven centers of ancient civilization he refers to were Egypt, India, Crete, Peru, Mexico, China and Chaldea. And in the first six chapters of Astrological Lore of all Ages, published in 1944, Elbert Benjamine unites tradition with documented evidence to provide (for the first time) a history of The Religion of the Stars.
In Chapter 1 – Stellar Religion and Healing of Akhenaten – Elbert relies on the events and dates provided by the English Egyptologist, Arthur Weigall. Under the subheading, The Brotherhood of Light, he explains: ‘The Church of Light has set itself the task of making it impossible for any person in the world to be ignorant of the fundamental doctrines of The Religion of the Stars. Let us see whether its traditions coincide with the historical findings of Weigall. In the Declaration of Principles of The Brotherhood of Light published in May 1915, nearly a score of years before Weigall made his study of ancient dates, occurs this passage:
According to our traditions in the year 2440 BC a group separated from the Theocracy of Egypt, and throughout all subsequent times, as a secret order, the name which translated into English means, The Brotherhood of Light, has been perpetuated.
Arthur Weigall was born in England on November 30, 1880. In 1905 at Luxor, Egypt, he was made responsible for protecting and managing the antiquities of a region that extended from Nag Hammadi to the border with Sudan. And on February 16, 1923 he covered the opening of Tutankhamen’s tomb working as a journalist for the Daily Mail. He died on January 3, 1934 from a ‘lingering and mysterious malady’ aged fifty-three. His books include The Life and Times of Akhnaton, Ancient Egypt and The Glory of the Pharaohs. In the December 1933 Quarterly, shortly before his death, Elbert quoted from his works. And in June 1934 Elbert wrote:
When six months ago, we quoted from the works of Arthur Weigall….it was with no thought that he would be the next victim of the curses placed by the Priests of the Shadow, to protect the tomb of the ones who had restored them to power.
In Chapter 1 of Astrological Lore of all Ages – Stellar Religion and Healing of Akhenaten – Elbert blends tradition with events and dates provided by Arthur Weigall to present a history of The Religion of the Stars in ancient Egypt. His central focus is on the 12 year reign of Akhenaten during which The Religion of the Stars became the country’s official religion. The original article, which was later revised and expanded, was titled Stellar Religion of Akhenaton and first appeared in the June 1934 issue of The Church of Light Quarterly.
In Chapter 2 – Posidonius and the Star Lore of Chaldea – Elbert documents the history of The Religion of the Stars in Sumeria, Babylon and Chaldea with the focus on Posidonius who, in the second century BC ‘was responsible for the spread of The Religion of the Stars from Chaldea into Europe.’ The original article appeared in the September 1934 Quarterly.
In Chapter 3 – Itzamna, Great Initiate of the Mayas – Elbert explains that in the stone monuments left by the Mayas ‘we have the precise dates of their chief events and practices covering a period of about 1,500 years.’ The central focus of this chapter is Itzamna, the great initiate, who taught the Maya ‘writing, architecture, agriculture, astrology and the civilized arts and kept them faithful to the Religion of the Stars for a thousand years.’ The original article, with the same title, appeared in the December 1934 issue of The Church of Light Quarterly.
In Chapter 4 – Stellar Religion of the Pre-Incas – Elbert explains that the Incas were an invading ruling class who looked to the wisdom of their priests for guidance. And that the priests gained their stellar wisdom from the Pre-Incas.
In Chapter 5 – Astrology of the Aztecs – Elbert explains Midsummer Sunrise and the Ancient Rites of Stonehenge and the Swastika and Triskelion calendars. The original articles appeared in the September and December 1933 issues of The Church of Light Quarterly and the August 1933, November 1933 and December 1933 issues of National Astrology Journal under the titles: The Heavens in Stone: Midsummer Sunrise and the Forgotten Rights of Stonehenge; The Aztecs and their Swastika Calendar and Lost Secrets of the Aztec Triskelion Calendar.
In Chapter 6 – Stellar Religion of the American Indian – Elbert refers to the Triskelion and Swastika calendars and The Arkansas Astrological Stone and explains the meaning behind The Dragon in the Sky and The Hopi Snake Dance. The original articles that formed the basis of this commentary – American Indian Blue Eagle Ceremonies (west of the Mississippi Valley), The Arkansas Astrological Stone, Secret Rituals of the Indians Parts 1 and 2 and The Celestial Dragon – first appeared in the March 1934 and March 1935 issues of The Church of Light Quarterly and the January 1934, February 1934 and July 1935 issues of The National Astrological Journal.
And in Chapter 7 – Astrological Significance of Holidays – Elbert explains the astrological significance of a number of religious festivals and American holidays. This information first appeared in the 1920 Brotherhood of Light Annual and was later revised as ‘The American Holidays – Their Parallels to the Forty-Eight Constellations of the Ancients’ in the June 1933 issue of The National Astrological Journal. The May Day commentary first appeared in the May 1934 issue of The National Astrological Journal as Maypole Dances and Spring Festivals Celebrate Starry Patterns in the Heavens for May.
In Astrological Lore of all Ages Elbert Benjamine unites tradition with documented evidence to present a masterful history of The Religion of the Stars. He also makes a prophecy for the Aquarian Age, explains that the Age of Aquarius provides fertile ground for the reestablishment of The Religion of the Stars here on Earth, and reminds us that the difficulties being faced by The Church of Light in bringing the wisdom of the stars to humanity in the 21st-century are nothing new.
In August 1947 at the Fifteenth Annual Church of Light Convention Mildred Schuler demonstrated the Church of Light Chart Calculator and in 1948 Elbert wrote and published Dial Your Horoscope –
a 48 page book to go with the Calculator which gives complete instructions for using the Calculator in chart erection and calculating major, minor and transit progressions, aspects formed in the sky, and the time when a planet enters a sign or reaches some specific position. Covering all the problems of Standard Astrology, it explains in detail just how to use the Church of Light Chart Calculator to quickly and easily solve each and every problem – except for addition and subtraction – involved in these various astrological calculations.
In July 1949 Elbert demonstrated The Church of Light Aspectograph that was designed by Mildred Schuler. Students could now chart their major, minor and transit progressions for 12 months in advance and in mid 1949 Elbert wrote and published Chart Your Future to explain
how the Aspectograph allows you to readily chart the major, minor and transit progressions of natal astrology and horary astrology, the progressions in each mundane cycle chart and in each of the three weather charts and the positions and aspects of the planets in the sky.
The Astrodyne Manual was the last book Elbert wrote. It was published in late 1949. In September 1949 he explained:
To keep aware of the harmony or discord of the thought-cells mapped by the birthchart, and just how much psychokinetic energy they are given by the inner-plane weather indicated by each progressed aspect, and in what particular direction they are most likely to use their newly acquired psychokinetic energy, people should be able to calculate astrodynes, harmodynes and discordynes.
The rules for all the calculations, with examples, are given in Course 16 Stellar Healing. But the available space there would not permit explaining the why of each rule, giving detailed explanations, or of presenting tables which greatly reduce the work. To fill this need, at the request of numerous astrological students, Elbert Benjamine has now written this book – The Astrodyne Manual – which goes into the details of the why and how of astrodynes, harmodynes and discordynes, gives short-cut tables and full explanations. We expect to have the book ready for delivery before January 1, 1950.
It was published by The Rising Star Press.
In April 1951 The Church of Light Quarterly publicized ‘Twelve Reference Books by Elbert Benjamine: Written not to compete with, but to supplement, Brotherhood of Light lessons. We suggest you get and study Brotherhood of Light lessons first.
In fulfilling his promise to bring The Brotherhood of Light teachings to Earth Elbert Benjamine exhausted his physical strength and his body ceased to function on November 18, 1951. His earthly mission fulfilled he moved onto the Summerland where his intellectual and spiritual talents could be further developed in the interest of contributing even more to the understanding of life, God’s Great Evolutionary Plan and universal welfare.
Since then three – maybe four – new generations of human souls have been born and these souls can learn from the words he wrote. Yet it is the task of each new generation to re-think the meaning of information in the light of social and scientific advances. That’s what Elbert did and that’s what you and I should be doing too. As students in the 21st-century we are being guided by the light of truth. Our job is to ensure that the light continues to burn brightly and to keep the information flowing in a constant forward movement. Elbert showed us the way. Now it's up to us.
Author's Note
Part One: Part 1, Elbert Benjamine
Part Two: Books and Chapters in Detail
Copyright © 2014 by Dennis Sutton
All rights reserved
No part of this publication may be reproduced or redistributed in any form without prior written permission of the publisher.
ISBN: 1-876517-17-4