Interpreting Charts Using Hermetic Astrology - Part I
Hermetic Astrology and Inner-Plane Theory
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Tutorial Topics
What to read
The astral body is thought-built
Pyschoplasm and thought-cells
The electromagnetic body
Impact of thoughts, emotions and environment
Complex thought-cell structures like physical organs
Conditions at birth
How the natal chart corresponds to the thought-built astral body
Zodiacal signs map fixed zones
Associated thought-Compartments correspond to mundane houses in the chart
The Law of Association
Dynamic stellar structures act as receiving sets
Aspects in the Chart Map Stellar Aerials Which Pick Up - Radio Fashion - Invisible Energies Radiated by Planets, People and Objects
Aspects in the chart map lines in the astral body between complex thought structures that act as permanent stellar aerials.
Progressed aspects map temporary stellar aerials
Stellar aerials pick up, radio fashion, energies of similar quality radiated, not just from the planets, but also from thought, character and object vibrations of a similar nature