Selecting majors (secondaries), minors and/or transits
Using the Filter Majors tab
Selecting/deselecting planets to progress
How to display all aspects to a single or several planets
Managing how "at-birth" progressed aspects are displayed
Filtering aspects types and/or displaying only the most
Using the restore defaults button
Using the Filter Minors tab
Option to include aspects to major-progressed Moon
Options similar to the Filter Majors tab
Using the Filter Transits tab
Option to include aspects to major-progressed Moon
Options similar to the Filter Majors tab
Displaying Minors and Transits as Major aspect reinforcements and triggers
Displaying Majors, Minors and Transits in separately sorted lists
First, create a Progression Report and sort it the way you want it displayed in the Aspectograph
The aspect grid and aspect time items display
Zooming and panning with the date scaler
How color gradients are used to indicate when aspect start, end and perfect dates are resolved or unresolved
The "Time Now" line and adding your own reference time line
Print previewing and printing the aspectograph
Using the aspectograph with Transits
Finding the window you want