Tarot Labs
Facilitator: Christopher Gibson
Suggested Donation: $9 per class and $43 for all six labs.
Click here to access the six tarot labs on Church of Light TV.
The purpose of these labs are to provide the opportunity for members and students to come together in the spirit of collaboration with the support and guadance of Church of Light facilitators to synthesize and apply the theoretical knowledge gained by studying The Brotherhood of Light lessons.
The tarot labs and astrology labs are in the same location at Church of Light TV. The listing below references the dates on which you will find the six tarot labs:
- Hands-On Tarot Reading (2-6-14)
- Tarot Lab (2-20-14)
- Tarot Lab (2-27-14)
- Tarot Lab (3-6-14)
- Tarot Lab (3-13-14)
- Tarot Lab (3-20-14)
Click here to access these classes/recorded videos at Church of Light TV.
A friendly reminder from ChurchofLight.tv: Please use Internet Explorer as your browser to ensure the best user experience. It is recommended that you only choose Chrome or Firefox browsers if you know how to install the proper plugins.
Your Facilitator
Christopher Gibson began his astrology and tarot studies in 1968, and since 1977 he has worked as a professional astrologer with an international clientele. He taught astrology and tarot from 1980 – 1996, through Community Services at Los Angeles City College, and has lectured extensively both internationally and throughout the US.
Christopher has held memberships with the Association for Astrological Networking, American Federation of Astrologers, Professional Astrologers Incorporated, and the National Council for Geocosmic Research. He is a Certified Grand Master of the Tarot with the American Tarot Association.
He has been a contributing writer for Gnosis magazine, the Church of Light Quarterly, and Starscrolls a monthly astrological calendar.
His astrological education is with the Church of Light in which he is certified as a Hermetician and Ordained Minister. Christopher has served on the board of Directors of the Church of Light since 1978 in varying capacities as president, vice-president, and corporate secretary. He also served as vice president for the New Mexico Chapter of NCGR.
Christopher has been featured in Who’s Who in America, LA Inside Out, and Faces of Faith. He currently makes his home in Albuquerque, New Mexico.